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About kgeorge12

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I have teamspeak as well as skype i play mostly breaking point but some origins so hmu on here and ill get back to you
  2. Looking for anyone to team up with to play Dayz Breaking point, Ive been playing for a while now on origins with a team but I would like to find someone to play Breaking Point with, Im usually on late at night, sometimes during the day, I have teamspeak and skype, just let me know
  3. kgeorge12

    In Need of a Team! Join Up! You Will be Treated Fairly!

    Id like to join im 100% friendly and would love a team
  4. Skype: ItalionxStallion12 Name: Kris George IGN: Jesus Real Name: Kris George How long have you been playing dayZ: Ages Why do you want to join Elite TaskForce: tired of being alone Please put a (X) beside the the class you want to be Medic X Assault X engineer X Sniper X CQB X
  5. Name: Kris Age: 20 TeamSpeak Name: AuTHeNTiCz Mic?: Yes Why do you want to join?: Tired of being alone Experience in game:Been playing since Dayz only had 1 map Timezone: Eastern Bio: Loyal, Friendly, always down to help a teammate out, that is when i have one....Part time worker, Part time student, if there's anything else you want to know just ask, In game Name: Varies from time to time....
  6. kgeorge12

    Dayz Clan

    Hello, I'm an experienced Dayz player and I'm tired of playing alone and never being able to trust people or be with a team I have Skype as well as Teamspeak 3, and I'm 20 years old. Please respond to the post if you have a clan or group that plays regularly that I could join... Thank you
  7. kgeorge12

    DayZ Breaking Point Clan

    you homie im down to team up i got an extra gun you can have ill be on tomorrow during the day Skype: ItalionxStallion12