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Mathos (DayZ)

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41 Good

About Mathos (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The barn North of Elektro
  • Interests
    Winchesters, DMRs, and Hatchets are my weapons of choice.

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  • Bio
    I run around at night, lighting it up with chemlights for all the good little Bambis of Chernarus. I fight bandits and assist those in need, despite the occasional misfire from those who are otherwise confused. The Hero skin is always most desirable, as it instantly instills trust in those who gaze upon it.
  1. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    Just soon, tired of waiting. I've been waiting for a year and almost a half. I'm not hype anymore with this thread burning out the flame keeping my train going. I'll still buy and play it when it DOES finally release. But I'm not clinging my existence to it anymore.
  2. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    Damn, X-Rebirth isn't launching. Something else! quick! before it takes me back! Uh... Screw it! TF2!
  3. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    My hype train is all burnt out. Call me when actual habbedigs, I'm going to go play... I don't know, something to get my mind off of this. It's painful at this point.
  4. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    Dropped to 10 people on server and 19 with it open, Potential habbedigs might come to a halt.
  5. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    So... care to elaborate on said info?
  6. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    Maine. In the town I live in, there's a really old coaltrain that runs through for a few hours every weekend.
  7. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    My hype train's coal reserves are 100% empty. I couldn't get back on if I wanted to, at the moment. ;_;
  8. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    Right, folks! It's off to work for me! I'll catch myself up around 4ish. please release today... ;_;
  9. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    Guys... 16 people. Could it be starting?
  10. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    See? This man understands!
  11. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    B-but... There are only three testers in. ;_;
  12. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    [–]rocket2guns 6 points 7 minutes ago ...my current plan is to revise our system of spawning in a player. Currently you connect, and the server checks the central server to see if you have a live character. If so, it loads that in and switches control to you. If you don't it makes one and switches control. However, it often takes a few minutes longer than that to load in (the server auth process is lightning fast now). So what I am planning to do, is to have the player be told where their character will load in, preload that spot on the client, and then create the character. Unfortunately, that requires so revision of our spawning mechanic and we might not get a chance to do that rework of something that effectively "works" before the alpha is out. This is a good example of a known issue that is lower priority than getting the alpha out the door. Right, then. My words! Bring them to me! I must FEAST!
  13. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    D'aww, Anarchy, didn't you know? Every night is the night! That is, as you said, what this thread is for. Every night until it habbens.
  14. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    G-guys... There's been a distinct lack of communication from Hicks and Rocket... The player count is VERY slowly rising.. It's probably nothing, though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsCVEV6oXAA
  15. Mathos (DayZ)

    November Round-up

    On second thought, they were probably just putting the new hotel in.