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Everything posted by spidey

  1. spidey

    DayZ: Namalsk

    We need more blootsuckers! Change the zombies to bloodsuckers! D:
  2. GERMAN Version Keine Lust mehr auf Hacker? Keine Lust mehr auf DayZ ohne Admin Support? Keine Lust auf ewig lange Wartezeiten beim Laden? http://www.intense-dayz.de Wir bieten euch Support durch Administratoren bei allen Problemen,Fragen und Kritik. Eine Whitelist, zusätzliche Tools gegen Hacker und Wiederherstellung eurer Character bei Bugs und Hackern. Ein Forum zum Austausch von Items,Infos und Problemen. Ein eigener, Passwortgeschützer Teamspeak-Channel (ab 5 Personen). ​ Bei weiteren Fragen meldet euch einfach im Teamspeak unter http://ts3server://a...x.org?port=9991 oder direkt im Forum! English Version Dont want to play with Hackers anymore? Dont want to play without Admin-Support? Dont want to wait 2 hours to load the game? We give you: Admin Support when you need it. A Whitelist, Tools against Hacking and recovery of your characters if you lost them due to bugs and hackers. A Forum if you want to trade stuff or have other problems. A own, passwored channel (you need to be in a group of 5 people). Join our Teamspeak at http://ts3server//amadox.org?port=9991 and look for "Spider" or "Kampfkarnickel". We will give you a walktrough on how to join our servers!
  3. Just upload your bans.txt in the battleye folder to any uploader you wish and download it then.
  4. Taviana is a public map. So we didnt steal anything. Everyone should get it, not just Dayzland.eu to make profit out of it. Same story like the Vilayer incident.
  5. spidey


    A Database.txt? What should that contain? Only thing you need is a database itself.
  6. spidey

    Community Releases Spectate Mode

    -double post-
  7. spidey

    Community Releases Spectate Mode

    Uhm. You do reallize that DayZ has a big cheater problem? You do reallize that this only works on private servers which are hosted by people who have enough of cheating and hacking? You do reallize that there are Admin Maps since the beginning of private hives? You do reallize that most of private hive admins only have little to no time for playing because they are constantly trying to make DayZ a better game with fixes and new features?
  8. spidey

    US 1992 - Admin ban abuse

    Admin Abuse. He just placed satchel charges and then packed them back into his backpack. What a shame that some guys link to the log files where he placed them. @rawrerz: Im angry about your Ban. You did nothing wrong. But dont waste your energy here. Never has a Server been Blacklisted by the DayZ Staff itself for Admin Abuse. Be assured that the logs doesnt expose you as a hacker. More like someone who doesnt know where to place satchels. I reproduced this on my own server and it shows exactly the same. The only thing you can do is wait for Dwarden to disapprove your submit to the CBL and then post again in here. Wish you luck on other servers! ;)
  9. What a glorious tread. Thats just the perfect example how the DayZ Staff is thinking of the Community NOT AT ALL
  10. spidey

    [DayZMod] Do you have an API?

    Anything new from this? Would love to see my character in forums.
  11. Auto Scroll jumps all across my log with 0.5 D: Anyway thanks for the update!
  12. spidey

    Pending Update: Build

    Now we just wait a few weeks and it will be released :D Thanks for the work ;D
  13. Hey guys. Is there a way to enable kill messages on private hives? Example: Thanks!
  14. spidey

    Cheat List For dummys

    Ban.Spawned a Jeep Crashed a chopper Is createMine !"\"createMine\",". Ban Innvisible Hack.Ban
  15. 0.4 works great! Thanks for the work! :) One little suggestion: Is it possible to add a warning-system if Players changed their name (same guid,other name)? Would be great! ;)
  16. 0,3 works great! One little bug that teases me: Sometimes it will still jump to the last log entry... D: Thanks for all the work!
  17. Does your server provider grants you full access? Some DayZ Server Providers restrict access to some files.
  18. For the Battleye DLL's The txt files must be placed in the same folder where your Bans.txt is located.
  19. You can get the latest Battleye Files from here: http://www.battleye.com/download.html And the newest filter's from here:http://code.google.com/p/dayz-community-banlist/source/browse/#git%2Ffilters
  20. spidey

    I can't hunt!

    Possible server/hive lag. Just walk a few meters away and try again.
  21. spidey

    DE 1416 password?

    You have to ask the abusive admins for that ;)
  22. Well he can let them out a few meters before the shore. Players cant shoot you in water ;)