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About Donlod

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  1. Donlod

    Hacker caught teleporting

    Just found a topic on a forum with download link to a hack. The authors post has 700+ likes and thats only one of many forums. I do not play DayZ since patch 0.44 or 0.45 - cant remember, so i cannot say if there really are that many people around.
  2. i also experienced this rubberbanding, 2 friends of mine too. it happens pretty often
  3. Do items inside containers also get damaged when you clothes take damage?
  4. yeah ur right. i like the idea with the armbands a lot, those things are much better than some HUD based alternatives
  5. finally one more video of dayz standalone :D . enterable buildings, great! crafting, awesome! some villages redone, nice.... criticism: animations awful :( (there are a few situations you get hit before the animation or even get hit while the zombie is 10m far away from you, running animations look to fast (small very fast steps)) did you say no crosshair? add an option to make quickbar invisible please, this is more interface than in the current arma2 mod
  6. Donlod

    How to improve my FPS?

    object detail to low this increases my fps by 30. furthermore u have adavantages with foliage.... :| set video memory to default i do not exactly know which setting affects GPU/CPU but Object detail HDR and ATOC are decreasing fps dramatically at high settings.
  7. i thought this was redone but ur right.... i did not notice it. sorry, but this is disappointing me
  8. Hopefully those buttons will change cause theyre rly horrible. Maybe adjust the size of those cloth-boxes/put them in a proper order but i dont care much about the other elements of the inventory for now but I Would appreciate some more changes in future patches.
  9. i thought the engine was rewritten so it does not use scripts anymore, or did i misunderstood? ...but do NOT add modding support pls (maybe after 1 year or more :|)
  10. I prefer less symbols on the screen (like deadspace (none)), so having an option to make the quickbar invisible (but not completely disabled) would be great. Cause in shooters i do not like to have bars/a lot of interface on the screen (like in rpgs) while running around. It results in a better atmosphere too.
  11. Donlod

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    i have an i7 2700 @ 3,5GHz 8MB Cache, gtx 670 @ 1100MHz (boost) 2GB VRAM, 8GB RAM @1,33GHz, Win 7 64bit settings are 1080p and almost everything on max except HDR (hgh) and AA (high). the biggest problem is when the camera/view is close to foliage especially those red/orange colored bushes/little trees, e.g. when u have 3rd view on and are runnig behind that bush and almost ur entire screen is filled with its textures (33 fps, in some cases for some secs 28fps). i do not know why but i think they are more detailed than other foliage. Average fps around 42 in citys around 37. On low i get 75-120 fps medium 55-90
  12. ur right. this looks a bit more tidy (parallel boxes @ player menu, those red and green boxen replaced with something more "polite"). But this are just some small details which can be changed very quickly with a future patch and i do not expect things like that to be implemented in an early alpha phase but in a future patch.
  13. oh well, adding ur own inventory skins would be even more awesome :D, but one further question about the inventory: what are those red and green colored squares on the right side of some items?
  14. i like how the inventory is arranged. i hope there will be added some background(-style) in a future patch. maybe something like that http://dayz-survivor.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/inventory.jpg . And it would be awesome if ur able to adjust invetory/bar size and make the quick bar invisible when ur inventory is not open. 2nd pic looks awesome :thumbsup: