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About GandalfTheGrey

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. GandalfTheGrey

    [New] International Clan Recruiting 13+

    Dayz Name : GandalfTheGrey Skype: ivo.fiennes Steam : fienensivo Time zone : gmt age : 14 Experience: playing 8-9 months so yeah... played early alpha! (back in the days where you spawned with a Makarov!) can play most days after 5pm ish can play all day sunday have a mic thanks
  2. hey can i play with you my name is ivo and im 13 im pretty skilled as have been playing for 8-9 months
  3. Hey my name is ivo im 14 and i would like to play! soo yeah i have breaking point and a mice and am quite good at dayz yeah email me or somthing email : fiennesivo@gmail.com
  4. GandalfTheGrey

    Looking for an Origins Group!

    hello my names ivo i want to join a group, so i was wondering if you want to play i have a mic (its really bad but i have one) im 14 and yeah.. so email me: fiennesivo@gmail.com