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Everything posted by andb52

  1. NE airfield has a marker for it on mine.
  2. andb52

    Tent City US 546 come get your loot

    Nashable, Even if you rename it, you would have to also change the IP address or people could find you at Port: 2312 Anyway, I think this metagaming is fun (and Rocket likes metagaming for what it's worth).
  3. Yet some servers have it enabled and some do not. LU164 prevents you from dropping items.
  4. Hello all. I was just wondering if someone could tell me how the score on the scoreboard and the score on websites like Gametracker, e.g. http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ is calculated. Thanks!
  5. andb52

    US 150 Admin Abuse

    Unless you remove stuff from tents and save the tents, they respawn upon the server reset with all of their items back in them. Running them over does not accomplish anything.
  6. andb52

    US 175 bad admin

    Uh admins cannot "spawn you" on the coast.
  7. andb52

    US188 Boycott

    Sidekicknicholas That is my server. I apologize for the hackers ruining your day! Do you know who was logged in as "admin"? A few of us have that power, but I'm basically the only one who ever uses it, and I was taking the bar exam when this happened... Also, you say sidechat was enabled? It most definitely is not enabled in the server, unless something really screwey happened. It's in the mission file and, as anyone who rents from Vilayer knows, we don't actually have access to the mission file to edit even if we wanted to. Perhaps some new hack? Perhaps you were on a different server and didn't know it? The whole scenario sounds quite odd. Any other details you can provide would be greatly appreciated! UPDATE: I looked through the server log. There is no sidechat or global... EVER. The only exception is the global I use through RCON sometimes. Anyway, I can't find anything in the log that supports what you said. That doesn't mean I'm accusing you of lying: I have read that hackers can do things that bypass the Battleye log. But I also can't find anything to figure out who may have done this :-/ So are you sure it was US188/NY84 and not another server? I do see that you have played on it before (your name is in the log) 2:36:39 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Darq: who brought the douche 2:36:39 BattlEye Server: (Direct) Sidekicknick!: Wtf Also, is it possible that you were confusing Direct chat with global? Just wondering :-)
  8. andb52

    Probable Admin Abuse US188

    Simplicity, thank you for apologizing for your defamatory claims! Helicopters have been gone for quite a while, as in at least 2 months. As far as the server going down... I don't know about that. I was taking the bar exam and have been gone since Monday morning EST. I just got back, so I'll ask around if the server was down. I'm the only person with access (unless Vilayer had some problem), so I don't know what could have happened with that. I'm sorry for the inconveneince!
  9. andb52

    US 188 Admin Cheating

    Simplicity, you started another thread based on your clear misunderstanding of what power admins have. I'll hop over there and address it :-)
  10. Well, all they can do is blacklist your server from the HIVE, but obviously that doesn't affect a private hive in any way. If you search, or use google, you can find the information fairly quickly.
  11. andb52


    Unfortunately, the HIVE controls when all of this happens, so you don't have control over it :-/
  12. andb52

    Vilayer and me!(Resolved)

    No way to contact them? Did you e-mail Johnny? Skype either Lee or Johnny? Get on teamspeak to talk with them?
  13. andb52

    BEWARE: Vilayer dayz hosting

    It seems that the problem is with the DayZ dev team screwing over server hosts (per usual...)
  14. Are you saying you both can't join the same server at the same time because you share an IP? That shouldn't be a problem; I've had multiple people on from the same IP with no issues.
  15. andb52

    can't set mission to DayZ

    Try getting on their teamspeak or skype to talk to them. Contact information is in the other Vilayer thread.
  16. Lazer, Please forgive my ignorance. My server, US188, is hosted by Vilayer. I have kept it up to date, yet items still drop in the water. Vilayer provides quite limited access to admins. If the beta patch is indeed the latest, do you think it is possible that somehow it is running an outdated mission file? Thanks!
  17. I don't know how to enable it on a server. I thought it had to be edited in the mission file. I know that on my server you drop all of your stuff.
  18. Whew, isn't that the truth! If it works, I'll be happy to donate, as well.
  19. Hello! Some way to send automated messages before restarts would be great :-) And perhaps, if it's feasible, some way to determine how often individual players are connecting and disconnecting.
  20. Vendaar, just do what you think is right, and don't worry about it. We, as admins, are all in the same boat, and I presume that most of us just aren't too worried about repercussions.
  21. andb52

    S2 hackers

    Wow, so that's what it looks like when the server is nuked? Crazy.
  22. andb52

    US188 Invisible/Explosion Hacker.

    Hmm. I don't think I can find anything useful (the server logs for DayZ are beyond useless ordinarily). I found where you guys logged off: 7:39:05 Player Murderface disconnected. 7:39:14 Player Jagartharn disconnected. 7:39:21 Player Hiphip disconnected. 7:39:29 BattlEye Server: Player #20 Rick Grimes () connected 7:39:29 BattlEye Server: Player #20 Rick Grimes - GUID: (unverified) 7:39:29 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID () of player #20 Rick Grimes 7:39:33 Player Hashy disconnected. But I have no way of knowing who else was in the game, or what they were doing... If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them :-)
  23. I cannot comment on most of your post, but rollbacks are the HIVE's fault.
  24. Try using the RCON tool BERcon. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BattlEye