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Everything posted by andb52

  1. Where do you guys even see that to install, though? The only option under updates for me is " DayZ and Arma2 96584 DayZ, Arma2 96584, and latest scripts.txt"
  2. How does this work? I updated it like I normally do, but the e-mail says to do this: PLEASE FOLLOW THE NEXT STEPS TO UPDATE YOUR SERVER! STEP 1. INSTALL THE UPDATE NAMED - Vilayer Code Update v1.1 & ArmA2OA 96584 STEP 2. UN-INSTALL THE MOD YOU CURRENTLY HAVE INSTALLED STEP 3. INSTALL THE MOD YOU CURRENTLY WANT TO RUN Can we do that? Also, is there any way to switch between Chenarus, Lingor, Tajikstan, etc.?
  3. Since this has been fixed on private HIVES, there appears to be no reason that it cannot be fixed for the rest of us....
  4. andb52

    can i ban for this?

    Ban away. Is there any evidence that servers have actually been blacklisted? I wouldn't worry about it.
  5. If no one touches them for a week or so, they will despawn. You should just ignore them and hope for the best.
  6. Eesh, what a disgrace that this wasn't fixed.
  7. Is this STILL broken? What the fuck?
  8. Yeah, the Devs broke the game over a week ago and still haven't fixed it, even though someone with a private hive was able to easily edit the files to make it all work. What a shitshow.
  9. No, there is no contract. You can do whatever you want on your server. However, this is a double-eged sword. The Devs can also choose to blacklist your server from the hive if they so choose (in which case you could always just set up a private HIVE). Anyway, there's been a lot of talk about blacklisting, but is there any evidence of servers actually being blacklisted? I have read of no examples.
  10. Whoever runs NL21, I run NY188. Message me and, as Jenn suggested, maybe we can collaborate!
  11. Thanks Jenn :-) You seem to have horrible timing on my server haha!
  12. Also confirmed on our server that tents and vehicle inventories will not update when saved.
  13. andb52

    Vehicles not saving

    Derpy, there seems to be some problem with not saving vehicles and tents properly.
  14. It seems to be the new "patch" causing the problem
  15. Thanks, Jenn. I'll look through the logs and see if I can find anything, although that is frankly unlikely. Let me know if anything else strange happens on the server!
  16. In other words, the mission file limits it. It is not a server setting per se.
  17. Generally, you will find camps by working your way accross the western and northern edges of the map
  18. Wow, I am so sorry this happened to you guys. I'll look through the log and see if I can figure anything out. The server crashed for a while, and I was wondering why. Now I know!
  19. andb52


    There are parachutes. However, I'm not sure what the proper way is to eject. We tried moving straight up via autohover and ejecting. I also tried ejecting while in a nosedive (don't ask). Neither worked, although the parachute did deploy on the first one. Do you have to be moving up AND forward to eject safely?
  20. andb52

    UH-1H Huey

    Correct! I don't know why people are so dumb and repeat the same lies. You HAVE to repair ALL of the windscreens in order for the fuel leak to stop. Of course it doesn't make sense, but it's a game and that's just how it works.
  21. It appears to be down for everybody. Also, their Teamspeak is down, I think. I presume they're having problems.
  22. What are you talking about? Vehicles do not respawn on server reset. If they've been destroyed and saved as destroyed, it takes more than a reset to bring them back.
  23. Hmm. I'm also a lawyer. As a lawyer, you should know that the contract you signed with Vilayer contains a choice of law clause dictating that any disputes are to be construed under English law in an English court. I hope you're a solicitor!
  24. andb52

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    Wow, how do people destroy bicycles? You just get out and it repairs itself....
  25. haha which server was that on?