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About Blondie-dash

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    pc gaming, Pc's themselves and more.

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    I am learning pc stuff don't insult me and I am a brony deal with it.
  1. thinking that i might struggle with pci-express slots wondering can I put my graphics card in the x16 slot and a wireless pci-express adapter in the slot next too it or will I have to move my graphics card 1 slot over?. here is my motherboard and I know which slots they are, the one's closest to the motherboard.http://www.pccasegea...oducts_id=19870
  2. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

    Where were you when this thread was starting I new fucking nothing and have slowly been helping op so I can feel good I wanted to help, if you would have suggested it earlier your posts would have had value now they don't.
  3. Blondie-dash

    Six core!

    yeah he was in can I run it before I told him that.
  4. Blondie-dash

    Emotional death

  5. Blondie-dash

    Emotional death

    I will admit gruesome deaths are a good way to make people want to be alive more.
  6. Blondie-dash

    Just saw Rocket again.

    Don't worry 100 other people have done it the idea of this thread it have fun laughing.
  7. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

    fair enough I like how graphics cards can take as long to make as the games their running.
  8. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

    was that how the 500 series worked and leviski is getting off.
  9. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

    I think I have something similar to the steambox outside my room nope it is close but the graphics card sucks.
  10. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

    oh well back to an un oc'd 660 I keep going back and forth between oc'd and un oc'd 660's.
  11. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

    it is more like. I wan't to overclock, I want to be able to have a second card, I want to be able to upgrade cards. Technically saving money because you won't need to buy a different one to upgrade your computer.
  12. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

  13. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

    ah so I need modular power supply to have fans run on it. and more cables to manage yeah.
  14. Blondie-dash

    Need new pc

    http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=22419this for $10 more than this http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=15_354&products_id=21714