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Everything posted by m_mitchell

  1. m_mitchell

    A Gun You Never Found Before?

    A bear trap. Found one months ago (like 8) and that was it. But for all I know it could've been hacked in because it was in somebodies tent :P
  2. m_mitchell

    Your bad DayZ habits

    Not paying attention to my environment. Was going to NEAF and wasn't paying attention to anything but the direction of my destination and some sniper from 100m away lit me up because I had failed to keep everything in view.
  3. m_mitchell

    Bored In DayZ!

    I just have trouble finding a server with more than 30 players that doesn't lag terribly on Chernarus which most seem too :/
  4. m_mitchell

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input: (1x Cardboard Box, 4x Small Mirror, 1x Tin Foil) Output: Makeshift Solar Oven Tool: N/A FailChance: 1.0 Enchanncements: Ability to (Slowly (5-7m realtime)) cook raw foods. ActionType: Recipe
  5. m_mitchell

    Still getting adrenalin?

    Not as much as it used to be but I still get shaky during battles. When I came up behind two snipers when I first started playing I remember my heart pounding harder than it has ever pounded before. I was almost scared I was going to have a heart attack :P
  6. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    I hate to make a thread for it but as of now getting infected is a death sentence. I am forced to go to towns (which is ok itself) to get a false sense of hope that maybe there will be something in the hospitals. If I'm lucky blood bags and morphine but I have yet to see antibiotics. In fact I've only found one in a shed. That was it. Since then every time I get infected I die. It's to the point where jumping off the nearest roof and starting over is the best solution because only a few people even have antibiotics. I'm fine with everything else being rare but antibiotics? If the infection wasn't still so common then sure. And what is this infection? Is this the one we're supposedly immune to? And what about just making it so it impairs your vision and you can't run as long.
  7. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    Well it's what I thought and could only hope in SA we have something like where every hit you take you are marked as wounded and you can treat it with alcohol/water to reduce the chances infection.
  8. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    Maybe it's not because it is hard but because we punished by so many bad mechanics such as when (and this gets me the most) you have a viral zombie chasing you or even maybe a regular one and you turn around to shoot it but as you do it zig zags out of your way and then hits you because it sprints so fast to make up for the pathfinding which is restricted by the engine.
  9. Yeah you can't fly the helicopter if your not the pilot or even switch seats to it and parachutes for some people seem to be broken. They disappear half way to the ground and you die.
  10. m_mitchell

    Day Z Infection - Difficult is good!

    I saw it said somewhere saying something that rocket said you were immune or something buy I can't find any official stuff on it so I guess I might be wrong on that.
  11. m_mitchell

    Day Z Infection - Difficult is good!

    But those aren't zombies as much as they are infected and we're immune so what are they infecting us with? Either way does this make the hackers good because they make the game even more difficult? I strongly agree with that. I feel it shouldn't be immediate and after every attack you should retreat to a safe house and treat your wounds. This way it isn't so your just getting infected and being forced to go balls deep in towns searching for antibiotics.
  12. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    You can't really sneak into a city. A zombie or player will see you and something will happen so it just becomes all the more frustrating. And many times a combination things are getting me. Like having this now high bleeding chance which doesn't happen too much if your careful but say there are a few zombies chasing you and you need to take them out. While your trying to do so and they are zig zagging many times you shoot the zombie in the chest with a fairly powerful weapon but to little avail it doesn't do much because it's this "viral" zombie which is 3x powerful with no indication that he is until you see he has more health. Then he hits you and infects and/or makes you bleed. Now your out of bandages from bleeding from the last few zombies previously and you can't use clothes, your hands(hold the wound to slow the bleeding), toilet paper, or anything else that could possibly help. So you kill a few zombies and grab a bandage off one. Well your still going to die from this infection because you aren't likely to find antibiotics in which the time it takes for the infection to kill you in a few minutes. It's kinda like why do they keep adding these extremely unforgiving functions to these broken zombies ( 75% because of limitations and 25% because it's testing ). I'd much rather have zeds you can't kill without head shots and die during the encounter rather than 3 hours after looking for antibiotics which is probably going to be found based on your luck.
  13. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    I guess it's just there is so much irritation in that curve like for instance when I ran in a barn and had to run out seconds before they cornered me... As soon as I stepped out I was hit and stumbled then hit another 50 times becoming infected. And just today I came up on an infected survivor camp and then a zombie appeared and I tried to hit it but it zig zagged and hit me infecting me and leaving me bleeding with no bandages because I used them from when i glitched on rocks twice and bled from that.
  14. No... just no. The weapon slot needs to be above the backpack and I will not settle for anything less! hehe I really like it much more than what we have now
  15. When In doubt alt f4. (Only with things like hackers or your pilot gets disconnected)
  16. m_mitchell

    DMR loot!

    No tell me more. Maybe the server had the option where you can take clothes off players.
  17. m_mitchell

    When is it Okay to KoS?

    When is it ok to Kos? All the time. Your in bandit campfire. Therefor all the time. p.s. Why is your hunger indicator black?
  18. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    Hmm haven't looted them too much. But I haven't found antibioitics anywhere but in a shed :/ that was once. Oh and other people.
  19. m_mitchell

    Recent Killings.

    You combat logged?
  20. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    Well clearly you don't care if you are finding the antibiotics XD Where do you find them? Unless when you say stashes you actually mean the player made ones. Also it's not like you really need to point yourself out and not complain because of it's freeness. I'm buying standalone as soon as it comes and love the work they've done. It's just that this is a constant frustration for me. Well whenever your in a town it only takes on zed to see you before you have to run and then you'll have any zed that sees you from 50m or possibly more will run at you till you kill them all or lose them in a building.
  21. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    Doesn't really work :/ Not if you have to go anywhere close to zombies. They will probably see you one way or another unless a player does.
  22. m_mitchell

    Fix the hosptials?

    I don't really know how long it takes but your probably low on health to begin with and you generally get hit trying to get into town and never really find any so you eventually get killed from the infection or someone else.
  23. I like the loot spawn EXCEPT with helicopter crashes and hospitals because they contain NOTHING. Heli crashes should be guaranteed some kind of military assault rifle like an M4 or military clothes. And hospitals? You go to those to save you. Or you used to. On servers where me and a few friends are the only people hospitals are still nearly useless. They contain nothing except tin cans 99% of the time. Need anti-biotics? Check sheds because it's more likely you'll find them there which I have. But really if better stealth is implemented which it probably already is then we should be good. As well as if they add a way to pickup rockets like in Farcry 3 and toss them in under seconds unlike the current system to throw a tin can or something.
  24. FBGM hehe but probably download the game as fast as I fucking can and sprint to be the FIRST ONE to NWAF and get a plane.
  25. How much do they matter to you? Like when you run or walk. To me I think they are a pretty big factor in enjoyment or at least in overall graphics considering your looking at these animations 99% of the game. I just hope they are very flavorful and fluid or at least more so then the current arma animations XD Also I REALLY AND REALLY WANT the crouching animation to be like the one from The Last of Us... One could only wish though.