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Everything posted by m_mitchell

  1. m_mitchell

    Spawn less food, allows us to go longer without food.

    I heavily agree. At the beginning, the game is a chore. You have to constantly loot, scavenge under trees, and find wells to stay alive. I had a friend already quit after an hour and refund because he starved/dehydrated 3 times in the hour. Happened to me too a few days ago now that I've returned after the beta update. Too many people complain it's too easy to survive, and I agree, but not because food is so common, but because one survival mechanic alone isn't going to make a survival game. We need a few hours before we begin to starve so we can properly try to fish, hunt, or scavenge farm fields or orchards. Starving before 20 minutes have gone by while looting a mostly empty town isn't fun. Now that I have a backpack full of food and supplies, It's not hard to scoop up water and boil it or take down an animal or chicken and cook. It's just tedious work.
  2. m_mitchell

    Horrible FPS drop

    Yeah not sure what's up either. Since the last time I've played I seem to be getting more fps drops as well. GPU: Hd 7950 CPU: i5 2310 Ram: 8gb I tend to get BIG frame drops when I zoom in with rmb.
  3. m_mitchell

    Ambient Events Sooner

    Seeing as a good chunk of time playing is spent running or looting how about an update or something after basic vehicles to make Chernarus feel lively and something of importance other than a bland country side place.I know these are going to be in at some time because its kind of a requirement in any game to have something in the background outside of player control to add immersion. I'd love to hear choppers fly over in formation heading to other areas outside Chernarus or find camps (in a VERY rare occurrence) in various formations around Chernarus sooner than later especially when vehicles become available increasing player travels or at least mine :P. Right now Chernarus is boooring granted it is in alpha.
  4. m_mitchell

    Random sounds NEED to go.

    DayZ is the first of its kind as far as I'm concerned. And right now few games captivate my interest. New hardware doesn't mean more fun and content. Right now it means more graphics to show at e3 with generic gameplay.
  5. Can't get into SA because of all the bugs and now no server with 5 or more people can stay up for more than 5 minutes. Also just looking to relax with some casual pvp. So anyone currently have a group for Overwatch or want to form one?
  6. m_mitchell

    Day Z Standalone on a mac - is it possible?

    I actually ran Dayz/Arma II on Intel Hd 2000 graphics suprisingly well. Everything low of course except on arma II. I could run it on medium settings in idle environments.
  7. m_mitchell

    what happen if SA sucks?

    True but you can't really overhype something that is already out. If he is just reworking the mod with better everything and more survival then nothing can really go wrong except melee. Seeing as that's going to be a big part of the game it better work and well. If it feels like the mod people are going to be dissappointed. Unless you're uninformed expecting to have vehicles and a load of guns from day one then you're over hyping.
  8. m_mitchell

    Best settings for spotting people

    Anti aliasing off I've always had it off because it makes a weird effect as if there is like a faded fish net over everything but you can see edges really easy and that means people walking or sitting in a forest. I can spot people further away than most.
  9. I just want to form or join a small group of players who have mics and have been playing or wanting to play the new dayz mods that have been released. I have a teamspeak server that is rented by a friend open for use. Of course i'm fine with joining another one and maybe another program except for skype. If you already have a small group of preferably 2 - 3 players then let me know or we can form one.
  10. m_mitchell

    Looking for a small group.

    Yeah I'd like to play with you guys whenever your on. I would probably be on later though because I've been playing Civ 5 with friends in the day.
  11. m_mitchell

    Self Blood Bags

    It's really not that big of a deal. It's almost exactly the same if you have one person which is easy to acquire and many times self blood bagging takes longer anyways and may produce a higher chance of infection and or give less blood.
  12. m_mitchell

    Get an Alpha out!!

    What would be worse? Having 50% of the community playing a good stable build happy till the rest of the community inevitably joins in or 95% playing a buggy build getting killed off to bugs in a perma death game? You want a good first impression. If everyone lags it'll turn a ton of people off. The only thing holding them off is the server-client architecture if I'm right.
  13. m_mitchell

    How far can 20L take you?

    Before I knew where all the refuel stations were I took a heli from Skallisty to Elektro on 2 or 3 jerries. But you can safely take a heli from Stary to Novy on one jerry.
  14. I kill for two primary reasons. It's fun and entertaining. No negatives to killing someone unless you alert a friend or another enemy and not much else to do. I'm almost sure to get some loot. Depending on the mod I'm probably sure to get some loot whether it be bandages or weapons. I don't kill in "self defense" nor can I say too many people do. Many times your going to get fucked before you can react due to some sniper 750m away. For the people who do they probably just stick out of sight majority of the time or just keep an eye on someone until they act aggressive. I also don't kill fresh spawns often unless I'm in a tense situation where I can't babysit them.
  15. m_mitchell

    sniper damage

    In SA with the ability of everything I don't really think there should be any set or specific sniper rifle but rather weapons you modify to make a proficient long range weapon or sniper rifle by salvaging scopes from other weapons or just finding them in military bases. I do still think there should be some rifles with actual scopes but have those to be much rarer. ( And not "rare" like the as50 but rarer like satchels. ) Also taking a shot to the torso shouldn't necessarily kill you in one shot but unless you have a teammate by your side YOU SHOULD DIE. The shot should knock you on your ass while probably disarming you and blood should spill rapidly sending you into shock and unconsciousness. If you had full health then at some point you should be able to stop the bleeding after regaining consciousness but you wouldn't be able to run away immediately. You'd have to stumble a ways but really your going to be messed up for a while.
  16. Meh it's only an issue when people know things you shouldn't know like zombie spawn distances... so they know I'm in such in such place because they are 300m out and there are zombies spawned. That's being fixed anyways with the new servers.
  17. m_mitchell

    Cars explode too easy

    I'd also like to know what's going to happen in crashes. Now if I crash I heli I could survive or I could bleed and become forever glitched in a knockout position and die.
  18. Found a UAZ with a ton of good guns then picked up some buds and we were driving on the coast when I saw a survivor running and I decided to kill him. Fresh spawn too. I don't hunt them but if they are on my way then might as well. I tried to run the poor guy over and then when it failed I stopped not too far from him and shot him with my sd pistol like a boss but when I jumped in laughing and turned to look back at my victim and noticed there was no bambi running around bleeding. Only there was this quiet... disturbed soul looking forward and I KNEW he was accessing all those guns that I had in the vehicle. After making a turn while trying to keep speed I realized he was gone. He just had to relog. I quickly searched for missing weapons and noticed there seemed to be a missing ACR in which case I was happy because there was no ammo. Wrong again! He took a dmr which I had failed to notice even though I wondered why he didn't take something more high powered. I was shot when I had to pass the spot in which the incident happened at and died in one hit with 12k blood from one shot. I angered him and he was on a mission. Killed another one of our guys but we at least made it out with the UAZ. Then there was hope! I spawned down at Quarry like 500m from the incident. Well karmas not done. Karma is a bitch and when I said "Oh I see you" to the UAZ coming to pick me up but... HE DIDN'T F**KING HEAR ME AND DIDN'T EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE THE BANDIT STANDING IN THE ROAD AND THEN RAN ME OVER. He got out and stood next to my body right before I died 10 seconds later after being hit. Then a decent elektro spawn which didn't really matter because the server restart was in one minute. So basically my ghillie body equipped with a ton of good stuff and an SR-25 was gone as well as someone else with the same loadout. TL;DR Karmas a bitch
  19. m_mitchell

    Anyone interested in going back to

    Try Overwatch or Dayzero. Not sure about Dayzero as I haven't played it a lot but I can say that in Overwatch there is infection but it's pretty rare. I haven't gotten infected yet but a few friends have. It's probably like a 1% chance and there do seem to be some zombies that take more damage but don't have a 25% chance to spawn like the current viral zombies. I can say Overwatch is a bit more pvp oriented but it does add some more guns including the ksvk. (No Lapua I think)
  20. It doesn't have to be vanilla as but I want it to have a decent player base (At least 30+) while still retaining good gameplay (low lag) seeing as I can't find one. Also I'm not sure how good the official servers are because i've never played on one but I can only assume it's plagued by hackers so I never bothered.
  21. It's not bad but at the same time I wish we could have a map in a first(er) world country with local sporting good stores in rural counties (Mostly looted but you never know. :o) and Ferris wheels. (Chernobyl maybe? ^_^) Even if it was just Chernarus with modern stuff. (Same landscape) I mean there is no real lore to dayz and even if there was it can always be reworked. :P And uhh maybe 50cals could come back... Just kidding don't yell at me!
  22. m_mitchell

    Do you like third world Chernarus?

    Well I guess any country able to produce a lifetime supply of Heinz Beans :beans: has to at least qualify for second world :rolleyes:
  23. m_mitchell

    Standalone and Helicopters.

    Well there is the idea of having helicopters where almost nobody can fly them safely or they are just much harder to anyway :P Lol If they make it happen then TOH will be at the top of steam sales. I really hope it does though and if they could do something with cars so people can't jump in and drive away in .5231 seconds.
  24. m_mitchell

    KSVK in the mod, good or bad idea?

    Don't worry i'm getting SA.