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Everything posted by Tango_911

  1. Tango_911

    Books ? why they exist ?

    Books used as trash items is a brilliant idea IMO. Having the option to read them is even better. They give the world authenticity.
  2. Magicians never reveal their tricks. Kinda wish you never told us so that newcomers could keep the mystery alive. Would of been even more successful if you had more accomplices to play the message so more people heard it. Had me going there for a few days :)
  3. After having a little think about Thrasher's recording. Despite being very convincing footage. It is most likely a hoax. Because the thing that gives it away was that the signal was muffled and staticky the second time he heard it. If the signal was being globally transmitted say from green mountain or even electro. A global signal wouldn't become staticky in the first place. The only logical explanation would be that there was a "stream broadcaster" most likely sitting in electro and as thrasher moved further away from the 1km limitations of each of their transmitters, the signal became more static. We all want to believe there is a broadcast being sent out to our transmitters but when you think about how many people have actually heard the signal on like 2 servers? It just doesn't add up. Although the only way you could actually prove this theory is if you found and killed the broadcaster, while he played the signal and then the signal stopped.
  4. Well this is great! It's real! Maybe the transmitters are bugged atm and could explain why its so hard to pick up the signal.
  5. Tango_911

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Me and a friend have investigated into this electro signal but no luck. VistorM, do you remember your exact location or time? Because we tried night time on various servers (DayZ night time dosen't show up) and even on the hour. We listened on 87.8 and have heard nothing. Has anyone else actually heard this? because we are starting to believe it was just someone trolling through direct or the transmitter.
  6. Tango_911

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    You can actually map a controller to DayZ right now if you wish to test it out. It's not a great experience at all and this is coming from someone who likes playing on console as well. They would really need to come up with a really intuitive way to play DayZ in it's current form. Like I even had a hard time just moving/looking around effectively while still being able to communicate, change view and shooting etc. But still had no way to use the inventory or the hotbar. Possibly the touchpad on the DS4 could do the job. But I doubt it. The one advantage consoles do have is that it is all the same hardware so that could help in the matter of making the game run and playable. If they sorted controller mapping and performance then I don't see an issue releasing on PS4. But if they can't figure that stuff out then It will never happen.
  7. Wouldn't increasing performance be a gradual thing because as they add new and more complex features (players, vehicles, loot, zombies), performance will always need to be improved upon every new addition and modification.
  8. Looking at this source http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effects (and from my own experience) this is how it works. There are THREE stages to regenerating health and takes TIME to activate. Stage ONE and TWO regenerate just BLOOD and no inventory message appears (which is why some people get confused and complain the system doesn't work). Once you have regenerated ALL of your blood (and still full on food/water). Stage THREE will activate and you will start regenerating HEALTH. Then the ''healing'' message will appear in your inventory. Healing only took me about 10 or 15 minutes to be fully healed. Once your are fully healed the message will change to "healthy". Now throughout the entire process you need to be full on energy and water for the NEXT stage to activate so I recommend you don't sprint around to much and only move to the next town if you need more food/water. So you can be "sick" and "healthy" at the same time. They don't correspond with each other I believe. Also I think it is interesting that as a new spawn. You are not "healthy" to begin with and is quite deliberate. I hope that helps :)
  9. Tango_911

    Blood Bags/Saline

    I have a feeling it is a bug (either with the saline bag or graphical) because once you click on video settings, the blurriness goes away.
  10. Tango_911

    Looking for someone/a group to play dayz!

    Hi I am from aus and looking to team up. My skype is: Tango-911
  11. Tango_911

    Direct Chat is not working [Please help]

    I've never been able to see OR hear direct chat from others EVER! I feel your pain nostres20.