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Everything posted by Ninjamark

  1. Ninjamark

    HELP! Battle Eye: Client Not Responding

    Hey guys I had the same issue, I managed to fix it. 1. Make sure any antivirus, windows firewall or router fire wall is not blocking the BE client 2. Locate the BE client .dll (found in the BE folder, within the Dayz Folder): Right Click the .dll and in the properties, click unblock this file (I'm on windows 8) By Default Windows 8 blocks files it deems unsafe, so for me windows 8 was blocking the BE client from running properly.
  2. So I've seen a few people with this issue, myself included, on the Dayz Standalone. It's not a huge fix, but I'm running windows 8 and what I had to do is: Locate your battle eye client dll, called BEClient.dll, for me this was located SteamGames\SteamApps\common\DayZ\Battleye Right click the dll and go to properties and make sure the file is unblocked. by default mine was blocked and was causing issues, since unblocking i've had no issues I know this isn't a ground breaking fix, but hopefully it helps someone :)
  3. Perhaps you should watch the video a few more times, you still seem to be missing information plastered all over the place. The normal type you described isn't even the normal type anymore hence the massive zombie over-hall. Rocket has said Zombies are a massive work in progress. Path finding has been updated and as such the zombies dont have to run turbo speed to be a threat anymore. That said, they are still very fast. Seriously just watch a video and look at the zombies and its obvious. Riot shields probably aren't in and they are adding weapons each week after release, but i have no idea if its on the agenda As to the other two, no, if you listened to Rocket at all he has said literally a million times the SA is GOING BACK TO BASICS TO GET A SOLID FUCKING FOUNDATION.
  4. Well I'm finally 2 days way from my last exam, so sometime next week would be the best timing ever ;) after 5 exams just getting drunk and playing dayZ and probably dieing a lot and realizing I should never drink in a zombie apocalypse
  5. Ninjamark

    E3 and our attendance

    There isn't many, over all I think people get it, but I've seen about 2-3 post about people saying it needs to be changed back. One guy even said they need to fix the bug of zombies running indoors o.0 Which is insane because as far as I know the only reason they didnt in the mod was due to bugs/limitations
  6. Ninjamark

    E3 and our attendance

    I dont get why everyone is complaining about Zeds running indoors, they want Zeds to be the number 1 threat, that is what they are doing. It encourages Teamwork and means all the Dick heads wont have time to spawn kill newbies.
  7. Ninjamark

    E3 and our attendance

    Two things: From this video it seems to use the "inventory list" to pick up items they do have to be in your line of sight. BIG TICK! Secondly. I love how he is like, new animation surrender. Holds gun above head like a terrorist XD
  8. Ninjamark

    E3 and our attendance

    With all this talk of good old Monty, I think its evident that one of the rabbits in dayz needs to be made into a ruthless killing machine ;)
  9. Ninjamark

    Creepy stuff

    It's game over man. You owed him He won't be happy...
  10. Ninjamark

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    @Katana, Totally love everything you said :) While High HP steel that anything can break is ok, a specific thing is just that much better. A blow torch, needs fuel. More scavenging The idea of "weak" and "strong" barricades is good too, it means servers won't fill up with hard to get into houses everywhere, but a clan or group can make a nice set-up given time And yeah it would have to be as you said, Chernohouse 1 has X windows and Y doors but I can live with that It could also inspire friendships or raids. Someone took the house or building you wanted (Cause of the ocean veiw ;) ) Do you lie in ambush and raid the house? Make a friend? blow it the fuck up because if you can't have it no one can :D I can definetally see this as one of those ideas that should be implemented and basically "tested" to see whether its amazing and keep it, or didnt work so move on Oh oh, imagine a clan has taken over a small town, Those bastards killed your friend and stole your beans. You are on a hill thinking man how can I get these rat bastards. Nek minit, roaming zombie hoard. Now things are interesting ;) on that note, zombies should be able to break all barricades imo, no hiding in houses. Zombies need to always be a threat
  11. Ninjamark

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    ^ please just let Whini Crunch die, we all want to put his face into a blender. But he isn't worth the time OT: I love that door barrickading idea? I mean, most games you do a baricade, takes like 10 secs for other players to undo them so whats the point. I can see clans make a base out of buildings for sure! Imagine fully barricaded and traped up 10 storie apartment building, a clans hideout, so you know someone is always on Do you try bust in and steal shit? do you join? do you avoid it? Even better, its a radio station and you want to get in and ask to get a message out to a friend *drool* ^ I like this idea more than the idea of "owned" underground bases As your "base" would always be targetable it would definetely encourage teamplay. Of course to keep the balance barricades would have to be somewhat diffucult to do, dependding on how hard they are to take down. Someone tweet this amazeballs idea to rocket?
  12. Ninjamark

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    I like the idea, but can definetaly say I would avoid using then to tune into net radio stations untill someone got a dayz style one going. Though once a nice Dayz Radio station was up, it'd be awesome, bring Fallout to mind :)
  13. Ninjamark

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    TBH I just think Gummy has a retarded idea of what an Alpha is. From what I've read he expects alpha to be an amazing finished game, where only a few small features are needing to be added. When in reality, alpha is a clutterfuck of missing content and broken things. Anyone who bought minecraft in its very early years will know how enjoyable a game can be in its early stages (and cheaper)| But also know how much a game can change and how many things break. Gummy you need to realise that the Dayz Alpha, won't be any different, it will have a strong foundation and an awesome team behind it, but like over 50% of the content won't be there and shit will break If you accept that, Dayz alpha will be amaze-balls and you will love it. If you dont, you will hate it and it will also be your fault as literally everyone working at BI has said what it is over and over again
  14. Ninjamark

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    I'm no marketing expert, but 6 months of not selling a product, doesn't sound like a strategic move at all. Especially since if they release it in July, word will spread faster, which means more Hype at Christmas, which means people who have never heard of the game would buy it. In fact the more I think about it, the less sense it makes. for COD it makes sense, a billion 12 year olds who are poor want it, they all get it for Christmas. Makes sense But Dayz is like 20 bucks, or it will be. So I dont see many people being held off till a birthday or christmas. Also if it gets released now they can probably increase the price by Christmas. Anyway I'm rambling, I guess what Im saying is that unless I get a good source, I'm going to dismiss a december date a nothing but bs
  15. Ninjamark

    DayZ Double Developer Blog 14th May 2013

    Late June after uni finals would be amazing. Drunken days in cherno!
  16. Ninjamark

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    My exams finish around the 24th of June, I am actually hoping it's delayed till July, I dont need the distraction :P
  17. Haha Fraggle I lost my shit at your post. If you can't beat the angry mod, join them ;D On an unrelated note to the hopefully new devblog, I remember reading people can submit written work to be books and journals in dayz, has that started yet? If so where you you submit?