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About luispersegona

  • Rank
  1. DayZ ChernaruS 666 # BACK GOOD SERVER BEST CONNECTION! PURE PVP DayZ ChernaruS 666 # IP > Autorefuel, SelfBLoodbag, LIft vehicules, BOTS stolen vehicules and ur itens if u dead and more, 24/7 ACTIVE ADMINS, CHERNARUS 666 BACK! GO PLAY
  2. Comming soom whitelist , come on 0 desync , good players and admins not abuse! COME ON DayZ Chernarus 666 # v1.7.6.1 [VETERAN|CH:OFF][GMT-6] 110 + Vehicles/20 + Helis + Edited Map/Buildings - 24/07
  3. The newest Server with active admins Edited helicrashes loots and variable loot tables. Map edited +++ bases 20+ helis 140 + vehicles GO JOIN :D
  4. luispersegona

    have problem with add helicrashes

    any can help me?
  5. Where i change to add more helicrashes? would this text file? if so, where please help me! // Spawn crashsites and wrecks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (SpawnHelis && worldName != "namalsk") then { if (OldSpawn) then { for "_x" from 1 to SpawnHelisCount do { _id = [] spawn spawn_helis; }; } else { [["UH60Wreck_DZ", "UH1Wreck_DZ"], ["Military", "HeliCrash", "MilitarySpecial"], SpawnHelisCount, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 0.75, 'center', 4000, true, false] spawn server_spawnWreck; }; }; if (SpawnWrecks) then { if (OldSpawn) then { for "_x" from 1 to SpawnWrecksCount do { _id = [] spawn spawn_wrecks; }; } else { [["MV22Wreck", "LADAWreck", "BMP2Wreck", "MH60Wreck", "C130JWreck", "Mi24Wreck", "UralWreck", "HMMWVWreck", "T72Wreck"], ["Residential", "Industrial", "Military", "Farm", "Supermarket", "Hospital"], SpawnWrecksCount, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 0.75, 'center', 4000, false, false] spawn server_spawnWreck; }; if (dayz_plusversionNo != null) then { if (OldSpawn) then { for "_x" from 1 to 3 do { _id = [] spawn spawn_plushuey; }; for "_x" from 1 to 2 do { _id = [] spawn spawn_plusblackhawk; }; } else { [["UH60Wreck_DZ", "UH1Wreck_DZ"], ["UH60Crash", "UH1YCrash"], 4, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 0.75, 'center', 4000, true, false] spawn server_spawnWreck; }; }; }; if (SpawnCare) then { if (OldSpawn) then { for "_x" from 1 to SpawnCareCount do { _id = [] spawn spawn_care; }; } else { [["Misc_cargo_cont_net1", "Misc_cargo_cont_net2", "Misc_cargo_cont_net3"], ["Residential", "Industrial", "Military", "Farm", "Supermarket", "Hospital"], SpawnCareCount, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 0.75, 'center', 4000, false, false] spawn server_spawnWreck; }; }; if (worldName == "namalsk") then { if (OldSpawn) then { for "_x" from 1 to 9 do { _id = [_x] spawn spawn_nchelis; }; for "_x" from 1 to 6 do { _id = [] spawn spawn_ncmedical; }; } else { [["Land_mi8_crashed", "Land_wreck_c130j_ep1", "Misc_cargo_cont_net1"], ["HeliCrashNamalsk", "HospitalNamalsk"], 6, (50 * 60), (15 * 60), 0.75, 'center', 4000, false, false] spawn server_spawnWreck; }; };
  6. DayZ Chernarus 666 # (v1.7.6.1/Beta 103419) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:OFF][GMT-6] 110 + Vehicles/20 + Helis -> Edited Buildings - 24/07 > NOCD < Add on DayzComander - NOCD enabled now , but SCRIPT SCAN ON ( SilenteWarrior AntiHACK ) - Edited Map , alot military bases ! - 100+ veicules - 20 + choopers - Alot of spawns itens ( pure pvp if u want ) - Internet Connection 100mb down / 60 upload LINK DIRECT! - ADMINS allways online!
  7. DayZ Chernarus 666 # (v1.7.6.1/Beta 103419) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:OFF][GMT-6] 110 + Vehicles/20 + Helis -> Edited Buildings - 24/07 Address: 24/7 ONLINE ACTIVE ADMINS! Recruting admins, give email to : luispersegona@hotmail.com thx
  8. DayZ Chernarus 666 # (v1.7.6.1/Beta 103419) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:OFF][GMT-6] 110 + Vehicles/20 + Helis -> Edited Buildings - 24/07 IP : ACTIVE ADMINS! 60 slots 24/7 ONLINE ! lets play !
  9. DayZ-War BR-US (v1.7.6.1/Beta 103419) [Veteran|3DP:ON|CH:OFF][GMT-3] hosted by clan KSK 24/7 time on , active admins, Internet 100mb download 80 upload , dont have dsync ! ADD dayzcomander and have fun !