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About irishghost

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Got the same problem, even tried fresh install of windows. It works for a while but in the end the kicks always come back.
  2. Checked the logs, found these in setpos.log seems like he was teleporting around like a crazy thing. These are just a few of his many teleports. 20.10.2012 16:49:10: Morpheus (xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) 78e7d28d9661813f437f5ebc26c7dc4b - 2:293 [1180,2286,6] 20.10.2012 16:49:10: Morpheus (xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) 78e7d28d9661813f437f5ebc26c7dc4b - 2:300 [1220,2240,4] 20.10.2012 16:49:10: Morpheus (xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) 78e7d28d9661813f437f5ebc26c7dc4b - 2:324 [1213,2243,6] 20.10.2012 16:49:10: Morpheus (xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx) 78e7d28d9661813f437f5ebc26c7dc4b - 2:283 [1199,2279,8] He's now banned from the server, doesn't really help much, but i hope it makes you feel better at least :P
  3. irishghost

    Hackers Campground - Awesome find!

    Not so sure about that being a hacker camp, with servers are getting more and more deserted, could be they got careless and thought that it might be safe there.
  4. irishghost

    Looking for a clan to join/merge with.

    Alright going to sign up on the forums. Speak to you tommorow :)
  5. Hey, I've been playing Dayz for about 3 months. Im looking for a semi decent group to play with and have a bit of fun, been running a clan for the last two months but lately it's became inactive, only two of us still play regularly. I've got my own server, ts and website (www.beancanteen.org). I'd prefer to play with Eu players 18+ as my ping is normally too high to play on the us ones let me know if interested Thanks.
  6. irishghost

    bandits are bad

    Haha true being friendly in this game is a great way to end up dead :P
  7. irishghost

    Unsure if this is hacking or not. lu446

    Yeah i was thinking that about the top one. I think the second one makes players dance.
  8. Hey guys just checking if these are actually people hacking or not, veh = 'UH1H_DZ'; if (isServer) then { (veh createVehicle (position hreh1))setVariable ['ObjectID', 124, true]; dayz_serverObje" 16.09.2012 14:44:02: EVILDEAD (xx.xx.xx.xx:xx) b4386623999ffa415bbcd181a2e1fab1 - #20 " And this 16.09.2012 10:31:58: Tyler (xx.xxx.xx.xx:xxxx) 2014fd24f492b16b4f08f33c94396518 - #0 "anarray = ["ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoIvan","ActsPer cMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoStefan","ActsPercMstpS nonWnonDnon_DancingStefan","ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDn on_DancingZOZO"];player playmove (anarray select (floor(random(count anarray))));" 16.09.2012 10:31:58: Tyler (xx.xxx.xx.xx:xxxx) 2014fd24f492b16b4f08f33c94396518 - #8 "ctsPer cMstpSnonWnonDnon_DancingDuoStefan","ActsPercMstpS nonWnonDnon_DancingStefan","ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDn on_DancingZOZO"];player playmove (anarray select (floor(random(count anarray))));" Thanks in advance
  9. irishghost

    Attack on New Fort Haven

    A friend and I attack New Fort Haven.
  10. It seems to be a thing on regular servers, we normally play on veteran ones but it seems if you are close enough to them they appear.
  11. irishghost

    Looking for more

    Hey there me and a friend of mine are looking for an active skilled DayZ squad to play with, we play a lot so we need players who are also quite active. Here is a video of us raiding a clan who foolishly set up a basecamp at Polana factory, so you can get an idea of how we play. Cheers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=venEg5xNVzY
  12. Rolling back our server lu446 to from tonight, since the latest patch is horrible :P
  13. irishghost

    Bandit needing help to become a hero

    Interesting vehicle you got there in that pic :P
  14. irishghost

    Lu446, Setting world on fire.

    Ah right thanks, Noob server admin here, i wasn't 100 percent sure what it was :D
  15. I was looking through the logs and found this in: cfgdayz\BattlEye\remoteexec.log # 25.08.2012 20:24:38: [AWOL] Mikespartian114 ( 7b6d6e0f04cde4eed13fa275d4ede378 - #0 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction" 25.08.2012 20:24:38: [AWOL] Mikespartian114 ( 7b6d6e0f04cde4eed13fa275d4ede378 - #0 "[this, 3.39314, 22831.1]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2" 25.08.2012 20:24:39: [AWOL] Mikespartian114 ( 7b6d6e0f04cde4eed13fa275d4ede378 - #0 "[this, 3.39314, 22831.1,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn" Can i ban him for this or is it just for spawning weps and vehicles?