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Everything posted by makeme

  1. makeme

    What Day Z really needs: Bicycles

    amazing post we need bikes i know they are already a few but we need more
  2. ive used the xbow once loved it but being unable to easily carry a decent amount of ammo makes it way to unpractical
  3. The main problem at the moment is connecting to a server so before adding even more amazing features we need the servers to work better so we can connect most of the time not now which is only if you are lucky
  4. thanks i thought it was a beta version of dayz and i mean stuff like getting on to a server as i have tryed for hours to join a server
  5. do you see me whinging all i have done is said that if rocket gets to far ahead with adding features we will be left will a buggy mess i know this is alpha i know there will be bugs and i am testing and i am saying that i cant get on the servers and this needs to be fixed also where can i find the beta?