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Everything posted by kimmern

  1. hahaha, yeah we tend to meet each other in random places! I am actually a good guy, mostly searching for tents and helis, the helis I destroy since i cant fly one ^_^ Nasty helis that can find my bases and cars! what about we cooperate with the helis? If I find one I tell you guys and if you are flying one and im dead you can airlift me towards north'ish? also wont shoot at you when u are flying as long as u tell me what heli you are flying. I dont need to know where you hide em or anything :)
  2. me...no....I was not sniping him by the copter near the sea, must have been some evil twin, im innocent!! Actually was just logged in and saw some dudes and I had never tested that m107 before :P im searching for the place the choppas are too, not found it, but 2 times ive seen a copter flying around that area in 2 days
  3. Hehehe, ofc I would do, how do u think we got that choppa ;) Thanks for the airlift btw and backpack, much appreciated :thumbsup: :D
  4. hehe your welcome:) wasnt that much gear really. Does the choppers still work? And im just happy I got my revenge on Toast from earlier today hehe We will meet again
  5. yeah, pissed me off, I was on a black op mission! Btw PhenomenonOne: Did you regret shooting at tha rangerover when u saw it was packed with plp comming out? hehe
  6. damn that was fun guys, cant belive I actually got u from that distance with the m16, lucky shot. Didnt even see you, was shooting at the choppa hehe, probarly feelt good to kill me after:)
  7. hehehe Gps is mine now but NVG should be there if I didnt do a put it in backpack when its full and poff its gone forever ...
  8. when will the server be back online? kinda left some gear and an atv in the open when it was restarting thinking it would only take a minute. Left the gun and most of the mags for you Ameo at the site we meet. Guess you allready have taken it back:) Was to good a gun for me to waste by getting killed since i tend to get killed alot by players and docks hehe
  9. Heyhey all my ingame name is Kim and I have recently started playing on this server with my friend Adam. must say we enjoy it here. starting to recognize some players and that is fun.