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About narcisissma

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  1. narcisissma

    Unstable Character Genders, Appearance

    Thanks, I'll try.
  2. narcisissma

    Unstable Character Genders, Appearance

    Oh well, hopefully they'll fix that eventually, because even the characters at the select screen are munged. I feel strange playing a male. Thanks for the help.
  3. narcisissma

    Unstable Character Genders, Appearance

    Thanks, assuming that wasn't a joke (meaning in this day and age, be anything)
  4. I made a female character that seems tp keep changing genders and appearance. Is this normal ?
  5. Excuse me for sounding like the noob that I am, but how do we tell a viral from one that isnt ?
  6. What do you mean crawled to the top ? Is there some part of the hospital I've been missing ?
  7. narcisissma

    dayz female skin

    The ghillie should go in right away, just use the male's. You cant tell what's under there :)
  8. narcisissma

    dayz female skin

    You can look stately and beautiful with grime all over your sleep deprived face, maybe we have a different idea of what stately and beautiful is. I'm just saying don't stick us with something that looks like a street hooker off sunset strip. Some guys have a tendency to create females that way when they make games.
  9. Yes, that's what I used to do. but now I get infected and can't get any antibiotics. Maybe zombies should occasionally have antibiotics ? if they can think to eat and carry beans, maybe they can think to carry antibiotics? If they feel hunger, wouldnt they feel and want to cure their sickness ? Some people mention the "realism" of Dayz. In reality, the starving would forage. Nature is full of food. Even wheat is nothing but grass seed. For simplicity, how about just adding nuts to the harvest loot table ? (though people would whine about needing an axe to get nuts). If it's too soon after the apocalypse for man to have set up a new currency and marketed their excess, then it would be so soon after an apocalypse, warehouses would be loaded with boxes of food and supplies without the populations to possibly consume or use them all. I don't mind difficulty at all, I enjoy the challenge, obviously.. I'm playing Dayz. But for me this has become impossible with the scarcity of loot, and I'm whining because I want to continue to play the game. The server I usually play starts you with flares and 1 bandage, maybe I should find a server that starts me with slightly better odds, because I can run through 20 buildings and not see a thing but zombies and a few empty cans. The loot probably should have been left the way it was, or the problem is the new FPS code. *Update: Someone suggested if I'm seeing mostly empty floors, I should relog after I've been within about 200 m of the area, this has helped a great deal and I suggest it for others finding empty floors everywhere. Also, ran across some script instructions admins might be able to use to adjust the infection rates and the rate of antibiotic drops (not sure which Dayz it's for, but might be worth a look if you're not familiar with how). http://opendayz.net/threads/1-7-7-infection-reduction-antibiotic-increase.11204/
  10. narcisissma

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Notice he only allowed each one to get a first hit. It's possible the code doesn't give infection or hard damage on a zeds first attack before you flee. A real test would have gone 1 to 1 with a zed and not run around in circles. Of course I've never read the code, but I don't think you can call what he's doing a conclusive test.
  11. I've heard others complain about the lack of loot in-game but don't see it much on the boards. Am I the only one around finding it impossible to survive ? I can run through 20 buildings, including hospitals and apartments and not see 1 piece of loot other than empty cans. My ping is usually around 25, but my FPS rarely goes above 30. I don't know if this is the problem, but I find the 1.7.7 and hotfix impossible to survive in beyond the loaded food, or infection, since it seems there is no way for me to find a hunting knife, matches, hatchet, food or antibiotics. Could it be the servers I'm on ? I don't know what else to do but to uninstall the patches and find servers not running them.
  12. narcisissma

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I can run through 15 buildings and not see 1 piece of loot. Then when I do it will be some empty cans. I noticed somewhere in patch notes it mentioned loot spawn is dependent somehow on FPS. There is certainly no problem with zeds loading.. theyre in abundance.. but loot is nearly nil. The hospital is usually always empty (also causing more kosing, I believe.. for people looking for antibiotics) as are the apartments. Could this be my issue ? I usually have about 25 ms pings but my FPS is pretty dismal between 15 and 30. I hope it isnt dependent on the individuals FPS, but didnt fully understand the patch note about it.
  13. narcisissma

    dayz female skin

    I'm sure Jeanie Levitt, a decorated USAF fighter pilot who commands a 5,000 member fighter wing would take issue with wearing a camo bikini while she trains you guys :P Maj. Martha McSally either.. she's a bronze star flight instructor, squadron commander awarded with the best aerospace contribution to national defense in 2005. But that didn't stop those mysoginists in Saudi Arabia, trying to get her to wear a full black tent while she commanded her squadron. Animals dont seem to have any less regard for the female, why should humans. I'm a female gamer (wait for the barbs to fly) there are alot of us out there. Probably not with titles like DayZ that tend to be miserable (yet addicting) but the more positive ones. the transexxual minded might want a Pam Anderson looking one, but the last thing I want is some cheap looking avatar with DDD rubbery breasts. But it happens all the times in the "boy's" video games. If you make female avs, please make them more stately and beautiful than cheap. =