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KGB-OTRAID shadowskyline

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About KGB-OTRAID shadowskyline

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. KGB-OTRAID shadowskyline

    Dayz NAMALSK cheaters

    Dayz snap namalsk
  2. KGB-OTRAID shadowskyline

    Dayz NAMALSK cheaters

    you guys are combat loggers you do the thing when i shot you you abort on 1 second when it counts down and alt f4 so you can spawn in the same spot. Its simply cheating. one of your clan members mrs moist alt f4 when we shot him in the head so he didnt die its simply cheats. the only non cheater in your clan is the guy we shot in the object A2
  3. KGB-OTRAID shadowskyline

    Dayz NAMALSK cheaters

    I have been playing dayz and I was in object a2 and I killed a guy in the bunker. There were two guys killed them both.i was looting them when they came back in a spawned with all there gear in the same spot I killed them. I killed them like 3 times each and they just kept comming back. I have a feeling they were cheating. There names were: Josh Reese