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Jack Dant

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Everything posted by Jack Dant

  1. Jack Dant

    Experimental servers

    Not only that. Vomiting is on a hair trigger. Once you become stuffed, you will vomit as soon as you move. I made my way from Kamyshovo to Staroye, looting the castle along the way, and only found a single can of food, with nothing to open it. In Staroye I found more cans, but I was already "dying of starvation" when I found the food house and some powered milk and cereals. I made the mistake of drinking too much to compensate for the dry food, vomited, and went back to orange hungry status. For the final tragedy, while dying of starvation again, I found a kitchen knife in the Polana supermarket, to open all my cans. While picking it up, a zombie hit me and I went unconscious. 10/10 would try to survive again.
  2. Jack Dant

    Experimental servers

    According to Hicks, the servers are supposed to restart every 4 hours. Personally, I think the automatic restarts don't work, and they only restart when they crash or someone remembers to press the button. And there's a lot of players logging on to experimental to test the patch, most of them without a previous experimental character, so anywhere remotely near the spawn points is going to be looted very fast.
  3. Just FYI, they are replacing the physics engine pretty soon, so I'm not sure it makes sense to fix those glitches yet. It's possible they will dissapear on their own once the new engine is deployed.
  4. No. I thought so at first, as I noticed a few more zombies after a restart. But UK 0-4 has been up for at least 4.5 hours now, and there are no zombies at all in Gorka or Polana.
  5. Can you add the breaking news and stock prices to the text moving across the screen. That would be most useful.
  6. It doesn't, looks like. I made the mistake of drinking too much, threw up after jogging 5 meters (seriously, just around the house the well was at). The stuffed indicator never dissapeared over the following 30 minutes or so (enough to travel 4km and loot a town). I didn't find anything else to eat, to the point I just went unconscious from starvation and a single zombie hit.
  7. Has anyone else noticed a distinct lack of loot? Freshly restarted server, apparently unlooted Kamyshovo, I only found 1 can of spaghetti and nothing to open it with.
  8. That's the combination gun. Going by a rendered image I saw a bit ago, it's actually a Blaser B95, down to the engravings.
  9. Steam just downloaded 0.33.114926, but the experimental servers are not updated to it. The only server is a "DayZ internal Testing" which is apparently open but full. Someone pressed the button too early? :D EDIT: Experimental servers should be down since 30 minutes ago according to Hicks. But they are up with the old version?
  10. AFAIK, there's only been one wipe since release, and that was because of a security vulnerability. In the last patch there was a massive database update, and the character data was rolled back a few days to an earlier backup, and some misconfigured servers ended up deleting characters, but there was no complete wipe.
  11. Jack Dant

    Do guns need balancing?

    This is supposed to be a realistic game, so the guns should be as effective and balanced as the real life guns they are based on. However, every gun in the game should have its place, even the weakest one, or it's a waste of artist time. In most cases, that can be managed through rarity of the gun and corresponding ammo. So, the .22LR should be every bit as weak as it is IRL (tho sadly they can't simulate the low stopping power but high lethality of those small calibers), but it should be common enough that people find and use them at least until they find something else.
  12. Jack Dant

    The God Tier Look

  13. Jack Dant

    why good samiritans irritate me

    All newbies are newspawns, but nowhere near all newspawns are newbies. Someone who plays the game as a deathmatch is more likely to respawn often than anyone else. Experienced players also die and respawn, sometimes even on purpose. Or maybe, instead of taking your charity, they beat you senseless and loot every last bit of gear. Not unlike what happens IRL in some really bad areas.
  14. Jack Dant

    The God Tier Look

    Boy are you in for a surprise when you log on after the patch.
  15. If it involves the key v this has been known for sometime, but it's very tricky to time right.
  16. Jack Dant

    why good samiritans irritate me

    What makes you think new spawns are newbies?
  17. Jack Dant

    why good samiritans irritate me

    Well, the thing is, bambis are the only conflict generators currently ingame. Fully geared players have nothing to do except help new spawns, kill new spawns, hunt new spawn killers. So everyone gravitates to the coast. Even the northern airfields are less interesting for PVP, because with no way to store gear outside your character, it only takes a couple trips to be as equipped as you want to be. Anyway, there's some weird assumption by good samaritans that new spawn = noob, someone who needs to be helped and taught. Which is patently wrong in a game with permadeath.
  18. Jack Dant

    What did you do in the Experimental Branch Servers?

    Nice zed train. Experimental servers seem to be wiped with each patch, so surviving there doesn't make much sense. So yesterday I just took my fully geared character into Elektro to test the SKS and the new spread of sawed off shotguns on players, fully intending to die there. Ended up killing a bandit with the SKS, executing his victim who surrendered to me (kinda felt bad about that, but you know, science), then died to one of their friends who I think looted the bandit's gun. Assuming some of my stuff wasn't ruined by the shot, someone looted a nice gun collection. Hopefully they use it for science.
  19. Obviously the bullet traveled along his spine, came out at the back, ricocheted around the backpack for a bit, then went back in throught his kidney and out his jacket pocket. Completely realistic.
  20. Jack Dant

    Game really hard on high-pop servers

    The UK servers are, the one I was on yesterday had unlooted stuff when I started playing, then rebooted as I did my suicide run into Elektro (I wanted my experimental char to go out in a blaze of glory before she got wiped). The german ones I tried to play over the weekend never restarted in two days or so.
  21. As a hint and workaround: never stand next to a ladder looking directly at it. You can nearly always use the ladder action either from farther away of from the side of it looking at the floor. That way if your character decides to vault, it has the room for it.
  22. Jack Dant

    Killing filthy surrender monkeys..

    This just proves that in Chernarus, murder is uncommon, but there are a lot of suicides. You can commit suicide very easily, if you are not careful. (with apologies to Terry Pratchett)
  23. Jack Dant

    Bad community

    Am I the only one who sees the irony in a post complaining about bad community starting with such offensive language?
  24. I'm pretty sure the DE hardcore experimental servers are not rebooting properly. I think I've seen the same shirt in the same place every time I've tried to loot a particular building since saturday night.