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Jack Dant

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Everything posted by Jack Dant

  1. And what about the SCUD launcher? We really need one. When activated, it would wipe the entire database.
  2. Vehicle locations are stored in the hive, not on the server hard disk.
  3. In RL you don't respawn when you die. Unless you believe in reincarnation, in which case, you respawn very slowly. That makes any comparison to the game irrelevant. You could ask the same question about PvE kills: How many times would you risk your life going into a zombie infested city for some canned food?
  4. Jack Dant

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    I'm not a PVP-phobe by any means. But to answer that question, I would like some more interaction between killer and killed, especially after the murder has happened. Surprise is everything in this game and the one who spots and shoots the other first usually wins. So using directional before shooting is giving up a huge advantage, and once one side is dead, there's no way to talk to them. There's no room for friendly banter, for a new player to try to join that bandit group who keeps killing him. All the community building is pushed to the forums which few people read.
  5. No they don't. Admin powers are extremely limited. They can change difficulty setting, kick/ban players, talk to them over admin chat (and I think read the replies in directional) and restart the server.
  6. Unfortunately, at least part of the dev team feels ghosting is something we as players need to protect against, not something they should fix themselves. In a recent suggestion post by Ander, he said "The use of these items is a risk vs reward. If you want to protect yourself against ghosting, then us it.".
  7. Do that, and half the time they come back on the next server reboot. Full of stuff. We had to grenade a camp three times before it stuck.
  8. The map is only 15km x 14km. The only way to have camps 200km apart (or 20km if you mean that) is to have them way out of the map. If your camps were off the map, they probably got deleted by then dev team.
  9. Expected proof, found no proof. Now I'm dissapointed. Please provide proof.
  10. Arma2 choppers have radars that display every ground vehicle. You can see how that would be a problem with DayZ.
  11. Jack Dant

    Is this an abuse of power?

    Most likely tent saving bugs. We destroyed the same camp three times before it stuck. After each server restart, it was back with the same items we had stolen on the first visit.
  12. Jack Dant

    Does everybody plays like this ?

    What amazes me is not the constant disconnect tricks. But what kind of person then uploads this to youtube for the world to see?
  13. Yes. And staying long in one spot can cause a massive amount of zombies to spawn. A friend decided to test loot cycling on a deer stand, and pretty soon he had around 30 zombies in the field next to it. I guess the test for "did this building already spawn zombies?" is broken.
  14. Or just play in a server with an updated hive. There are inventory syncing issues in this patch, but I've experienced them both with and without ghillie on. I've never seen the location reset bug.
  15. Jack Dant

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    Ghosting is an exploit. You shouldn't have to expose yourself to extra risk to protect against an exploit. You should just fix the exploit. Besides, acknowledging logins and logouts as part of the simulation just feels wrong.
  16. Jack Dant

    does alt f4 save your life?

    It's not easy, or it would have been done already. It's not something the Arma engine supports, and there's only so much a mod can do. At this point, I'm willing to take instadeath for anyone logging off with shock. It would be harsh on people who genuinely lose connection mid-fight, but at least it should be easier to implement.
  17. Jack Dant

    Interchangeable mags burn in hell

    In a perfect game, empty mags wouldn't dissapear, just stay in inventory as empty. Then you could use rounds from other mags to refill them. Since we don't have that in DayZ, interchangeable and convertible magazines are a reasonable abstraction.
  18. Jack Dant

    does alt f4 save your life?

    Yes, it saves your life, but it kills your soul. People who are alive without souls are just zombies. And you know what we do to zombies around here, do you?
  19. I was on day 35 yesterday. Playing it smart, but not exactly running away from risks. Had 26 player kills, about half of them short/medium range. Then I crawled under a tree, and the tree killed me. The trees in this game are alive, I tell you :D
  20. Jack Dant

    The gear discussion

    "Don't get attached to your gear" is equivalent to EVE's mantra of "Don't fly what you can't afford to lose". Whatever you have in DayZ, you are going to lose sooner or later. Maybe it will be to zombies, to other players or simply to the bone-crushing tree. Your vehicles will be stolen and your tents raided. Those are facts of DayZ. Getting attached to it and expecting it to last forever is a recipe for dissapointment and rage. So expect to lose your stuff at any minute, and you will be pleasantly surprised most of the time.
  21. Jack Dant

    Logging out in shock should kill you

    I really don't hate players who shoot at me. It's just a game after all, and the game is the most fun when you are trying to avoid getting killed. If you are sitting at a poker table, you shouldn't be thinking about how long it took the other guy to earn that money. It was his decision to come to the table, and your duty to try to get his money. Anything else is confusing game and reality and probably ruining both. Why is it a joke to complain about cheaters? They get the same rewards as I do, but don't run the risks. And half the time, they log off, move, and log back on where they think they can kill you.
  22. Jack Dant

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Got this yesterday. One moment I was happily lying under a tree, the next, a broken bone noise and dead. My death screen still showed 9600 blood. I may have moved slightly just before dying, as I was about to leave the tree. But other people have experienced similar deaths in previous patches, and I think it's just the Arma2 engine. Can't those environment kills be disabled? They do more bad than good. For a proper DayZ bug: I ran to my corpse with my new spawn and looted all my stuff. Then I took a break and logged off 10-20 meters from my old corpse. When I logged back on, everything in my main inventory I had picked from my corpse was gone. My backpack (with contents), weapons and maybe 50% of my toolbelt were there. But the main inventory only had my bandage and painkillers.
  23. Jack Dant

    Server hop timer.

    I like the idea, but 5 minutes is too short. Logging on to a server already takes 2-3 minutes at least. So you are not making a huge impact in their efficiency. I would prefer 10-15.
  24. Jack Dant

    Logging out in shock should kill you

    If you shoot your gun you are revealing your presence to other players. By logging out inmediately, you are avoiding the danger inherent to shooting. You are altering someone's game session then not facing the consequences. I'm not sure firing your own gun should put you in shock. If shock lasted only a couple minutes instead of the current 5, sure, I'd support it. But you need to provide better arguments than "it might be on accident". Why? So you can logoff inmediately after killing someone and avoid his friends? Sure, there are better fixes than this in theory. But this one can probably be implemented right now with no engine modifications. Which is not true of the perfect fixes.
  25. Jack Dant

    Vehicle Hoarding Suggestion Fix

    As long as the camps outside the map boundaries are cleaned up regularly, I don't see the problem with hoarding. Vehicles inside the map will always get stolen sooner or later.