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Jack Dant

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Everything posted by Jack Dant

  1. Jack Dant

    Purge them all

    Poor Obscura, you lost all of 30 seconds you had spent on that character. How will you ever recover from that terrible loss? Not to mention your bruised ego. Bested by a mere teenager, the shame! Or you could respawn, and go anywhere other than Elektro.
  2. Congratulations, you just created a system that encourages squads of bandits instead of lone wolves. Wait, that wasn't what you were trying to do, were you? To be fair, every single idea to encourage cooperation ignores that "bandits" are usually the more organized groups who play together every day and coordinate via teamspeak.
  3. You can't vault in fists up mode.
  4. Jack Dant

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    I think so, but... weapon sway is already in when you are tired or have a broken arm. Yet at other times your gun is incredibly stable. And that's the main mechanic they should be using to simulate the civilian survivor vs trained soldier distinction, not random dispersion.
  5. Jack Dant

    People are already playing with the AKM..

    Not going to quote the video, but that's an AK74, not an AKM. Same thing we expected. Ammo collecting is going to get so much harder.
  6. Jack Dant

    Binoculars in SA

    The models seem to be ready and have already been published: I guess they are waiting on the textures for different quality when you look through them.
  7. Won't work. They demand proof that you were kicked from the server, not just that they claim to kick. And the GSPs have a conflict of interest, since losing customers is bad for their business. They are always going to allow exactly as many violations as they can without pissing off BIS. As long as BIS puts server policing in the hands of players and GSPs, we'll see a lot of cheaters.
  8. Jack Dant

    [FOG] clan, nice battle tonight

    So, who won?
  9. Jack Dant

    Battle eye banning for no reason?

    If that's the literal message you got, then it's not a BE ban. BE bans say something like "Battleye Global Ban", and cover every single server with BE enabled. I was not aware admins had ways to ban players. But then, I thought password protection was not available either, yet there are lots of pw-protected servers coming up.
  10. Jack Dant

    My gear is starting to haunt my game.

    There is nobody at NWAF because by the time you get there you have 90% of the stuff you need, and then you get the rest and don't need to go there again. There's no ultra rare stuff that only spawns in NWAF. If you want action, try either NEAF or Balota. The hill just north of the Balota hangars, next to that little town, usually has a sniper or two in it.
  11. Jack Dant

    Guns are really weak now

    There is currently no distinction between being shot in the back or the front. I can accept a full backpack stopping bullets to a degree. See the story of the british soldier who threw himself on a grenade, backpack first, and survived. He did have body armor in addition to the backpack, but I can accept it. But the can of beans in your vest pocket should offer about zero protection from a rifle round at close range. In real life, it would probably become shrapnel and make the wounds worse.
  12. Jack Dant

    Blaze B95 Rifle

    Just in case this is not a troll... Typically in an african dangerous game hunt (let's say buffalo, but the same applies to the others), only the client hunter and the professional hunter are armed. Auto and semi auto are illegal in most functioning african countries, and you don't want to go to the non-functioning ones. The choice between bolt actions and doubles depend on the hunter's preferences. The double allows for a very quick second shot with no chance of jamming or any other gun failure, in exchange for a much slower next shots. The bolt action gives you more shots, but you have to cycle the action, possibly while looking at a charging buffalo, which takes some nerve. This is often done in dense bush at close range, so there's not room for a lot more shots. Anyway, if the client misses his shots, or the animal gets too close, the professional shoots to stop the charge. If he misses, then one of them at least will end up in the hospital. Accidents like that are far more common than you would expect. Now, not to make this entirely off topic, those features of the guns are somewhat represented in DayZ. The B95 gives you a quick second shot with no reloading animation. If they allow optics on it, it would be a good sniper weapon that lets you correct your first shot inmediately. In the meantime, it at least looks nice.
  13. Jack Dant

    Guns are really weak now

    You probably have a broken arm. However, compared to the arma series, the aim is stupidly steady in DayZ, while it should be the other way around.
  14. Jack Dant

    Pro Tip: Always check your six

    I would sympathize, but you deserved it with that comment after killing her. Edit: This should also be in gallery.
  15. Jack Dant

    Broken leg, no respawn option

    According to rocket, this feature is "in progress"...
  16. The day they can get private hives, I'll agree with them. If they want to pay to play pure DayZ coop, they are free to do so. If they can farm loot in safety in their private servers that reboot at will, move to a busy spot in safety, and only then switch to a public 40/40 server... they are messing with everybody else's game.
  17. Leaving the server reporting in the hands of users and GSP's is... not the best decision. Conflicts of interest abound. I really hope that changes on release. A million sales is money enough to pay an intern to go over every "join=kick" server and blacklist it.
  18. Jack Dant

    Cherno Sniper Warning : Bandit Sniper Video

    The most impressive part is that you found so many people to shoot at in Cherno. It's been a ghost time every time I've visited since the spawn points changed.
  19. What makes you think that? As long as sneaking and melee are the preferred methods of dealing with zombies, friends will be a liability, not an asset.
  20. From the point of view of player interaction (good or bad), more zombies are good if they force you to use your guns against them. Right now everybody uses axes on zeds, and nobody knows if there's another player nearby. In the early days of the mod, before melee weapons, you would hear a makarov in the distance. First one shot, then a whole mag, then more shots, then silence. Did the zombies stop coming? Did the survivor die? You could go investigate, or run away, but it added to the atmosphere.
  21. Jack Dant

    Guns are really weak now

    I was shot by three people yesterday. I fell unconscious (no bleeding) for maybe 2 minutes. I woke up with a badly damaged ballistic helmet, a ruined UK camo vest, and a ruined revolver inside the vest. My screen was blurry and desaturated, but not horribly so. The guns need fixing for sure. Oh, and my ballistic helmet was back to pristine 15 minutes later. I already bug reported that, but it's so weird and random...
  22. It doesn't have to be one or the other. I bet they are testing increased player counts because it's much easier to fiddle with, no need to touch the game files, just the server parameters. But if we can go from 40 to 80 players now, it should be possible to increase the player count to 60 and increase the total zombies by a fair bit. Respawning loot and zeds should still come before either of those if possible, however.
  23. Jack Dant

    Bambis not so poor and innocent..

    Bambis are players too. They are not noobs. Everybody gets killed in this game, KoSer or Hero alike. Everybody respawns and is a bambi for a while. If the majority of geared players KoS, what makes you think the majority of bambis won't? Especially when they have nothing to lose?
  24. Jack Dant

    Next time I will kill every girls

    People are terrible at telling age from voice over VOIP. From anecdotal evidence, the "girls" you meet in games are very likely to be women of, ahem, a certain age.