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About jacobahalls

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    Nashville, TN
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  1. jacobahalls

    Ambient Sound Loud?

    Alrighty, I just would like to point out that I love the atmosphere and overhaul of 0.62! But I would like to know what everyone else thinks of the volume of the Ambient Noises such as the birds and the wind. In my personal opinion I believe the ambient noises need to be toned down a bit because compared to all the other noises in the game they seem to be extremely loud and drown out everything else. Maybe its a bug for me and others sound aren't as loud or just want to know what you guys are experiencing!
  2. jacobahalls

    AMD Crossfire Yellow flashing bug.

    That is weird, I crossfire and don't see any graphical issue. Also I don't know about you but I don't think I get any FPS increase by crossfiring but I don't lose any either like some games.
  3. jacobahalls

    DirectX 12 confirmed?

    Well, I don't think DayZ with be "released" in 2016 either.
  4. jacobahalls

    Fly sounds on dead bodies

    You hit the nail on the head. SPOT ON. It is so annoying and takes away from what you earned. It is like if you kill a deer for food because you are starving and it just sinks into oblivion!
  5. jacobahalls

    Arma 2 Tents

    I know that there is a set of Arma 2 Camo tents northwest of Vybor in a small strip of bushes and trees. But don't think they implemented yet.
  6. jacobahalls

    how to get rid of messages on the crosshair

    Yes it does happen but one easy fix is to scroll wheel in any direction then right click. Right clicking should work by itself sometimes but you don't want to aim down sight.
  7. My only arugment for 1st and 3rd isnt about wallpeeking, unatural camera viewing, or anything like that. It is that NO other multiplayer game that is PVP oreinted and matters if you die allows the ability to switch between the two on the fly. 3rd person only became popular from the mod because it gave you advantage. If Arma 1 only allowed first and never implemented 3rd. We would not be having this argument. In my personal opinion the devs need to pick ONE, this game needs to be either a 3rd person shooter or a FPS, not both. With COD, Battlefield, Gears of War, Mass Effect and any other shooter no one argues about this because you cant. IF they only choose one it could be a good thing because then they could just develop for one camera angle and not both. I'm not picking which one is better, just that the game needs to have tag and not on the fence.
  8. jacobahalls

    Persistence Wipes, is anyone doing them?

    Not here to answer but NO servers should wipe persistance. You need to report it to DayZ Feedback. Also it kinda makes people not want to play on a server they cant depend on to store a V3S and tents on.
  9. jacobahalls

    Exact Vehicle Inventory Location

    My idea is that vehicles would have multiple inventory locations on them and are only accessible by looking at them and opening them. For example the car that is being released you could obviously go to the rear of the vehicle and you would have to open the trunk to access the inventory of only the trunk. Then you could look at the glove box and it would have a separate inventory to place items but only accessible by actually opening the glove box. You could do this with many areas of a vehicle to make it feel very realistic and not just walk around the vehicle with your inventory open. I'm not sure what would be possible for the V3S Chassis since it has no realistic place for items to go besides the cab. Suggestions after this implementation would be the ability to physically see items in these locations when you open them up. Also if the vehicle were to get shot at and a bullet penetrated a certain area, just like clothing you wear, items in the vicinity of the penetrated bullet could be damaged. I'm not sure if this could be implemented because of vehicles already in the game and you would probably have to back track but I could see this in the game of DayZ and it would fit in so well with the type of game it is. I hope you guys take in my suggestion and hope I'm credited, lol.
  10. jacobahalls

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Yea, we Americans have a good mount of 1person servers. I play on Underground and UN.
  11. jacobahalls

    Mosin Carbine

    Umm, I like the gun but can't you already saw the mosin and put it in you backpack?
  12. jacobahalls

    M4/AK101 at Heli Spawns: Can Anyone Confirm?

    Have you guys used the AKM in .58 Stable? Way better recoil than .57. It is actually a usable gun now. If you have to use full auto then just pull down slightly.
  13. jacobahalls

    How is the AKM in 58?

    It wasn't IMPOSSIBLE as long as you were shooting it like a muzzle loader!
  14. jacobahalls

    [0.58] Persistence Breaks Servers

    What community is it?
  15. jacobahalls

    What is a average pc these days?

    Start off I'm not bragging But I do like to show it off: Intel i7-3930 k Overclocked to 4.5GHz with CM Nepton 280mm radiator 16gb DDR3 1600mhz (Buying new ram soon) ASUS X79 Deluxe Motherboard 3TB + 1TB HDD and 500gb SSD Blu-Ray Drive R9 FURY X All in a Coolermaster Haf-X Since I bought the Fury X I had to buy a higher resolution monitor. So I went with ASUS IPS 2560 x 1440