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Everything posted by drerwin

  1. drerwin

    I'm Looking for a clan to play with

  2. check us out bro! We use raid call and communicate! Go here first: http://www.saskmilitia.com/2013/05/09/raid-call/ http://www.saskmilitia.com/
  3. drerwin

    I'm Looking for a clan to play with

    check us out bro! We use raid call and communicate! Go here first: http://www.saskmilitia.com/2013/05/09/raid-call/ http://www.saskmilitia.com/
  4. drerwin

    Looking For RolePlay Server

    check us out bro! We use raid call and communicate! Go here first: http://www.saskmilitia.com/2013/05/09/raid-call/ http://www.saskmilitia.com/
  5. drerwin

    Looking for people to Squad up with

    check us out bro! We use raid call and communicate! Go here first: http://www.saskmilitia.com/2013/05/09/raid-call/ http://www.saskmilitia.com/
  6. drerwin

    in search of a teamate, sqad, Clan

    check us out: http://www.saskmilitia.com/
  7. drerwin

    SSKM recruiting

    We are a gaming community and have over 200 members. We are a great group of guys, many of us play Dayz and use raid call to communicate. We work together and help each other out..its great. Please consider joining our website: http://www.saskmilitia.com/ then downloading raidcall: http://www.saskmilitia.com/?p=4157 use group ID: 5992313 All info about our dayz servers on raidcall..join..talk and play with others!!
  8. drerwin

    SSKM recruiting

  9. drerwin

    SSKM recruiting

    come on