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Everything posted by fueri

  1. Yeah im getting a bit frustrated. Im running like 16fps for some reason in big cities and i REALLLY think my cpu should get so my more.. It doesnt even help if i lower my graphics for some stupid reason. Anyone have any ideas? My cpu stats: AMD FX quad core (3.6GHZ) RAM 8 GB Nvidia Geforece 560 Ti im really running out of ideas.... Its just so annoying when im getting shots from behind in a city and theres really nothing i can do to defend myself because of the fps and all the jamming happening. Its not but better in fields like 40 or something but for some very strange reason if i change my resolution or lower the graphics my FPS Wont just increase dramatically if im all the way to the top in all the fps settings im getting 38. if i put everything to the normal and lower my resolution it might be like 42-45 MAX. but still like 15 in cities... Please tell me what to do. Im even ready to go and upgrade my pc if necessary but tell me plz if u have any suggestions to this one. Thanks in advance
  2. fueri

    FPS in dayz prob

    any more tips :(?
  3. fueri

    FPS in dayz prob

    Set video memory to default and still no increase in fps :( any more tips?
  4. fueri

    FPS in dayz prob

    alright i will try those changes after arricing home from work. but what u guys think my fps should be with my specs?
  5. fueri

    FPS in dayz prob

    2 bad that pic didnt post fps but it was like 39 over there
  6. fueri

    FPS in dayz prob

    http://i.imgur.com/RRdCQEW.jpg There you go but before you go and say my resolutions ive really tried even the LOWEST resolution and it wont still change the prob
  7. fueri

    FPS in dayz prob

    done that already