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Everything posted by skizza@gmail.com

  1. skizza@gmail.com

    strange way of aiming

    try + and - on the numpad
  2. skizza@gmail.com

    Admin ban UK14

    I've just looked in the banned list and it mentions a player tuktuk but i don't think it's one that we have added (it's a long list that comes as part of hiring the server), I'll ask the main admin to have a look for you. Any ban added manually would be due to suspicious activity in a log file but there have been false positives in the past.
  3. ok thanks for letting us know kcuestag :)
  4. Also the time you set using the time changer seems to have little to no bearing on the actual time you get when you restart the server.... Anyone else having problems with ACP at the moment? It's very slow to log in and then clicking "Game services" does nothing.
  5. skizza@gmail.com


  6. skizza@gmail.com

    Cheaters reached a to high level....

    FINALLY someone had the balls to post a thread complaining about hackers. Bravo Jemoeder for saying what a lot of people have been thinking.
  7. skizza@gmail.com

    Why is everyone so hostile!?

    You have almost nothing to gain by assuming a person is friendly and a very high change of losing everything if you are and they aren't. Funnily enough it's only around Cherno/Electro that you get friendly encounters now as there are a higher number of people with no weapon or not enough loot to worry too much about losing it.
  8. Same here, not sure if the server is online (at work so can't check) but it shows status "Unknown" in ACP and if you click on "Current activity" it says the server is offline.
  9. skizza@gmail.com

    Predictive Text in chat/then cant delete it.

    It happens when you use the Steam overlay, if it happens again press escape, your menu will be flickering (rapidly cycling through each item). Press "Tab" to stop the flicker then you should be ok to use direct chat again.
  10. To set the MOTD in ACP: Stop the server Click Game services -> Configuration files -> Next to cfgdayz\server.cfg click "Configuration editor" Start the server Put a space in the line if you want it to stay blank
  11. Getting this on ACP: Server Error in '/' Application Method `System.Web.UI.ClientScriptManager:RegisterWebFormClientScript ()' is inaccessible from method `System.Web.UI.ScriptManager:SetCurrent (System.Web.UI.Page,System.Web.UI.ScriptManager)' Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request. Is it likely to be back today?
  12. skizza@gmail.com

    Vilayer can you get your act together?

    ACP is down (again) is there an eta on when it will be back?
  13. skizza@gmail.com

    acp.vilayer.com cant login

    It's affecting everyone at the moment: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5897-awesome-server-hostnew-timchanging-feature-pre-whitelisted-vilayer/page__st__540
  14. If it's any help I'm getting an error message from Login.aspx: Line: 49 Error: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.
  15. Same here with IE9 and Opera.
  16. skizza@gmail.com

    UK 14 and UK 5

    I hope not, it hasn't happened before although sometimes items stored inside vehicles disappear on a server restart. I know where a couple spawn if you want to team up some time :)
  17. skizza@gmail.com

    UK 14 hacker

    A guy with this info: 26.07.2012 04:10:14: The Chosen One ( e34832f59a6d586a3b14444790022aad was spawning various stuff, vehicles backpacks etc. I won't put any more details here but can send details from the server log to an admin here if necessary. A friend is going through the server log and there may be others to add.
  18. skizza@gmail.com

    ehm, about helicopters

    The other icon means you are in shock. If you leave the game while you can see it then you will be unconscious for a few minutes when you reconnect. edit: beaten :)
  19. skizza@gmail.com

    UK 14 and UK 5

    Try UK14 now, it has just restarted.
  20. skizza@gmail.com

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Starting without a weapon is so fucking DayZ to the core.
  21. skizza@gmail.com

    Got launched into the air and fell to my death

    Just happened on UK14, whole server was affected.