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(JkZ) DualShock

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Everything posted by (JkZ) DualShock

  1. weve been making some good plus's to the server with pbo work and such! come check it out :D
  2. Serve is back up! we hope to see you on! Repaeat SErver work is finished aND IS RUNNING ONCE MORE!
  3. The server is down! we are doing pbo work and should return up tomorrow around 3:00-4:00pm est USA TIME we hope yto see you on and thx for understanding!
  4. We had our firzst 8 players on today! hope you guys enjoyed! hope to see you all soon
  5. Server has been rehashed! dayz.st settings have been changed and alot of database has been edited! we are all now vanilla! custom loudout is now gone!
  6. We are getting new players! yay! hope you enjoy the server!
  7. we are still deciding on the custom loudout and we need player feedback to help make this decision