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About rick808

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Hi, i am thinking of renting a Utes server. does anyone have any recommendations of who I should buy a server from?
  2. rick808

    my infection system for cure

    this is actually the best solution atm lol
  3. why was the other topic graveyarded?
  4. its a game cool guy..
  5. I have been thinking for a while about this, and i think it is a good thing that the AS50 and m107 have been removed as they were pretty ridiculously overpowered (especially the as50). But i think there should be an option for disabling vehicles for players that have been alive/lucky enough to find such a powerful weapon. So my suggestion is to add a BOLT ACTION 12.7x99mm rifle. As the semi auto ones make it too easy to spray close quarters. But my main balance suggestion is about ammo. I don't know how hard this would be too incorporate but what if you found only single bullets and not magazines? Also they would be rare as hell, probably only found at crash sites. now i don't know if a single bullet can be loaded into such a rifle but if not, you would also have to find empty magazines that would also be very rare, but you could only combine a single bullet with an empty magazine. I think if bullets were so precious and rare, people that found this gun and manage to collect some ammo would really have to think hard on what they are going to shoot, instead of having 10-20 shots they might have one or two, so they are not going to be wasting on nonthreatening survivors, but on something much more important. Also carrying ammo for it would be a pain as each shot takes one slot of your inventory, so i think it would be a pretty balanced but very powerful piece of equipment for anyone lucky enough to find one. Before writing this thread i was going to suggest the L115a3, seen as it is already in the game, but after testing it on the shooting range i found it to be quite weak against the vehicles. So my suggestion is to base the ammo off the as50 12.7x99mm nato rounds.
  6. What do you guys think is the best amount of players to have the best day z experience? I tend to play in full 50 man servers, but i'm thinking there is benefits of playing in slightly lower populated servers. Like being able to set up camps easier without them getting raided so easy? please let me know what is you ideal amount of players, and which map.
  7. rick808

    Dayz PvP Montage #1

    dat music noise.......
  8. rick808

    Server Restarts+Saving my character?

    your character will save.
  9. rick808

    Standalone Zombie Jumping

  10. rick808

    Walking Dead Mod

    I think slower zombies that are more powerful is the way forward, but one bite death might be a little harsh. Also i am confused to why someone has not made a map that resembles the walking dead.
  11. rick808

    Recent Framerate issues.

    well i had a similar problem when i updated my arma OA beta to the latest patch, roll back to 103718.
  12. rick808

    I wasn't shot on sight....

    I live in the uk, what is the most populated server? checking on commander the most populated has 8 ppl in?
  13. rick808

    Tips on aiming?

  14. rick808


    i am no expert myself, but next time u see the bluescreen make a note of the error message it gives you. that should make your problem easier to solve.