Name Declan (Or TK or Verlux, don't mind.) IGN N/A Steam name TK088 Email
[email protected] Age 16 Country Australia (VIC) Personality (Bandit, Hero or Survivor)? Survivor? Only shoot when shot at. Job(from list above or suggest one)? I can do whatever is needed but Designated Marksman fits me. Why do you want to join us? Need a squad for gameplay and a sense of duty, I guess... You MUST be willing to kill others, and in some situations, even your own people.Do you comply? I comply. How do you deal with death (reaction)? Aw... *respawn* What can you bring to the group? Tactical diversity, taking orders to letter etc. How often do you play? On a regular basis. How long have you been playing? Roughly 6 months Do you have TeamSpeak? TS3 Do you have a microphone? Yes Are you affiliated to any other clans/groups? SOCA in Planetside and ArmA (Not DayZ though) If a team member killed a fellow team member and proceeded to loot the camp what would you do? Kill the traitor. Are you available on weekends and afternoons weekdays? Yeh, most days. Experience 1-10? 7ish I don't really like talking my self up too much. Questions? What server are you lads on? Other Information? Skype; TK088