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Everything posted by Shaneman322

  1. Shaneman322

    Exp Update 0.61.136468

    @Hicks_206 (DayZ) So at this point, are you guys planning to revert this patch? I don't see how further testing can be done if no one is able to correctly connect for more than a few moments.
  2. Shaneman322

    Can my new computer run DayZ?

    Hello DayZ Community! I posted twice already about this, but recently I got a new computer and it looks like it can run DayZ on LOW but still, to make sure before I buy, I want to make sure it can run. PC SPECS: Model: Hp 110-023wb (I WILL ATTACH A DxDiag TXT FILE) DxDiag.txt
  3. Shaneman322

    Can my new computer run DayZ?

    Okay, ive been told that I can upgrade my Video card and run it fine. What do you guys suggest?
  4. Hello, I am Shaneman322 I have a few questions for the DayZ Community, I am using a Dell Optiplex GX520, I know a very low end computer, but ive seen people run DayZ with low settings to increase FPS, so I was wondering if my Dell Optiplex GX520 could run DayZ with Moderate FPS, If not then a little. If not, can someone recommend a CHEAP Computer than can Run DayZ? Thank you all for your time, and please help me on this. Thank you once again ~Sincerely Shaneman322 ;D