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Everything posted by friendlyfighter

  1. friendlyfighter

    Hero and Bandit glitch

    i got a hero skin at NEAF, then every-time i logged back into this hive i would be freefalling and bobbing out at seain the hero skin with only one option if i held G key in i would auto hit the sea bed and die, having killed myself tonnes of times i was on land so had to go on the kill as i though it must be a glitch with hero skin.......... now im a bandit it does the glitch STILL, 7 murders later, it sometimes spawn me on land just as a survivor with -6000 humanity then if i re spawn im either glitching again or im on land as a bandit. my hero skin had 6820 humanity my bandit skin has about 6000 lol sick of this glitch im posting a video of it, it needs to be sorted ASAP
  2. friendlyfighter

    Wait for host message

    STORY, i was scouting up north looking for bases to loot from or destroy, i came across 1 tent and then another around 400m away from the previous 1. the strange thing about theses tents was they had THE NUTS in like the FAL etc. i couldnt take nothing from the tents but i could put stuff in them and then i couldnt retrieve my things i put in the tent. thinking its just a simple bug i exited dayz to join back one or 2 mins later to see if it was a glitch and now all it says is waiting for host and cant get into the game at all. im wondering if its a bug or if i found the hosts tents and hes blocked me or something as its very wierd.
  3. friendlyfighter

    Wait for host message

    are all the severs down then :/ i noyl really play 1 server so dont have a clue whats going on :(
  4. friendlyfighter

    If you die in Dayz as a Hero...

    THANKS FOR FEEDBACK, so now im a bandit haha fuck mylife, i was the only one to help EVERYONE that needed help weather it be a trap. kinda like spiderman but better. do you know when the update is coming as its so annoying
  5. friendlyfighter

    Hero and Bandit glitch

    heard this is a bug something sever side about the teleporting code or something so servers be aware his is happening and its not only 2 me
  6. friendlyfighter

    Hero and Bandit glitch

    sorry i didnt know where to put the topic in, is it a bug or a glitch server side,
  7. friendlyfighter

    If you die in Dayz as a Hero...

    this is what happened to me when i was a hero skin so had to go on a killing spree for it to stop, but it didnt :(
  8. friendlyfighter

    Hero and Bandit glitch

  9. friendlyfighter

    Hello survivors

    Hi im new to the game.......ish (at the mo) and im amazed by some of the community and how they approach the game offering bloodbags and things. i have never fired a shot at any survivor apart from zombies and im wanting to be in a clan. how do people go about forming a clan and how do you get envolved ??
  10. friendlyfighter

    Hello survivors

    hi thanks for your response could you put a link up for me as the forums jammed full of posts, thanks.