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Kilgore Trout

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About Kilgore Trout

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hello, I have been playing on US3480 Dayz server for quite a bit now as Michael and am very happy with the server overall. I see you have a lot of posts to get to about hackers and the sort so I am a bit disheartened at the thought this may get over looked...Anyway, I was irritated enough last night to actually report something today. In short the player "Sleepy" was running around yesterday snuffing a few of us with a SCAR H STD. I did not think to get exact times but the first time I realized this was not too long after the 8pm server restart when I happened upon him, next to his all green military truck and Heuy that he always...always has, when he noticed me he handily gunned me down (no big deal, I am not doing this because I am bitter about dying I give no f@cks) with his fancy SCAR. I would say it was roughly around 8:30? Sorry I wish I could be more accurate. I in fact let this go...giving him the benefit of the doubt, he said he found it on a dead hacker and I took his word for it. I had a damn steam screenshot of my death screen! But every time I try to upload them to the library they just disappear...Sounds convenient I know..again sorry. As the night progressed multiple other players were dying and asking him if the Scar was a legal gun and confronting him. One was Pirate Monkies I believe? This happened right around the 4am server restart this morning. Now he died about 5 times at least in between the time he had a scar at 8pm to 4am so I stopped believing his story about getting it off a hacker...When we confronted him and asked him to leave/please stop hacking he started lying and justifying what he did because other players do it...? I don't know..whatever. Then he became indignant and started insinuating that he was "in" with the admins and nobody would dare ban him...This is what disgusted me and I decided to make a report. I know the he-said she-said bullshit does not fly...but this is by far not the first time he has been accused of hacking...Many have claimed he has bounced around the map, appeared in front of them and killed them etc etc...a hack that is called ESP? is what many say he uses..I have no idea what this means. Again...that is all hearsay. I am not even asking for this person to be banned as I think that may be over kill...but just be talked to by a server admin and warned? I believe that would be enough to curb this behavior? I have enjoyed this server very much and appreciate the work that is done and I just want the server to retain it's integrity and stay fair and fun as possible. We understand that there is little to be done about the random hackers in the game but this person happens to be a regular player on this server, which is why I do not want him to be banned just warned. I spoke with him prior and he seems like a decent enough guy. I played on another US server...Us 22 something something...it was very popular until it started becoming so lax and eventually corrupt that it became unplayable...Admins were abusing power, choosing "favorite" regulars that were apparently above the law...etc etc. I do not wish this to happen to 3480!!! Thank you for your time. Edited by Kilgore Trout, Today, 08:32 PM.