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About ThrobbinCorncob

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    Over the hills...
  1. ThrobbinCorncob

    How To Win Playerbase Back

    Amazing, isn’t it? Gotta love the knowitalls who haven’t been here a fraction of the time some of us have yet know better than us despite years of failed deadlines, “new engines”, and watching mods of A3 (and still to this day, DayZ mod) surpass a studio game.
  2. ThrobbinCorncob

    Have you/have you not seen a hacker?

    Just experienced what I think is my first script kiddie today. I refuse to call them hackers because they just buy someone else's work and think they're gods gift to coding. I've only got 41 hours but I got hooked in to Overwatch and have 811 hours in OA and liked the deathmatch in the interim while the HUGE bugs get worked out for SA. inb4codkiddie Was in Elektro with a couple of guys from my squad. About 30 minutes prior to me dying, we all heard an SKS going off. We heard easily about 30-40 rounds go off with no reload or anything. We investigated and my buddy found the ONLY guy with an SKS and he shot and supposedly killed him. We don't know for sure because as soon as the guy hit the ground, his body disappeared. Fast forward, we're holed up in town looting and just watching for bandits. Suddenly, we start hearing another SKS go off up on the mini-hill that has the tree and the park bench. Turns out it's the exact same guy wearing the exact same clothes and gear when my buddy shot him. I run around towards the fire house outside of town by sniper hill and I see a guy crouching looking at me between two bushes as I'm running. I do a double take and the guy isn't there anymore. I start running along the wall and I get shot about 3 times and die. I raged, finished up some college work, and hop back in TS about an hour or so later. My buddy then goes on to tell me that he got killed by the same guy who magically appeared near him, and that our third buddy took the guy out. We again don't know for sure if he died because as our other buddy was running up to the body, it was gone. Again. I'm not one to call bullshit because I'm used to garbage games I had the misfortune of playing like BO2 and Arma 2's terribad desync but this was ridiculous. Dude disappears right in front of me only to reappear, as I'm going to assume, and kill me. All while his body disappeared after being "killed" twice. I stopped playing the mod because I was tired of bullshit desync and firing 13 times into a dude's face only for him to kill me with a Makarov shot to the toe while he finally falls over dead 30 seconds later. Now with this, it seems I'm losing any faith in actually enjoying this game.
  3. ThrobbinCorncob


  4. ThrobbinCorncob

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    In! I'd love to be apart of the early-access. All these new games piss me off because it's rehashed bullshit and DayZ has truly been the only game in the past two years that I have been looking forward to.
  5. Just for poops and giggles... I just set up my own server and finally got everything working properly. I tried using your ArmA2OAProfile settings for the Veteran difficulty with changing some stuff but I kept running into a problem where the map looked like a BluForce tracker(showed any vehicles/players/zombies near you) and if I set a waypoint on my map, it wouldn't show up when I went to the HUD. I sat here the past 2 hours trying to figure it out and I finally did. The following parameters need to be set like this if you run into the same problem: I apologize if it has been posted but Google, the search function here, nothing was turning up any results.
  6. ThrobbinCorncob

    The Greatest Ninja Bloodbag of All time

    Beans to you my great fellow.
  7. ThrobbinCorncob

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I've seen it happen too. I wonder if there's a timer to clear out bodies after x amount of time to help with FPS?
  8. ThrobbinCorncob

    Single GTX 670 or single GTX 770?

    Go with the 770. It's essentially a rebinned/relabled 680 with higher clocks but for the same price as a 670.
  9. ThrobbinCorncob

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I don't think any G36 weapons that spawn are SD. Pretty sure they're all non-SD. Probably hacked.
  10. ThrobbinCorncob

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    Wow, good thing we have your super informative post on why you think it did. I'm a new(er) player myself(started a month ago) and was just a clusterfuck of "grab everything you can and hoard all the things!" type of gameplay. Last night I ran through Cherno on my server and I found a total of 1 bandage and a few cans. It sucked, don't get me wrong, but it's so much better than running into the church and finding an Enfield with 3 mags, BAP, compass, and 3 food/drink all next to each other(true story). I'm even more drawn to playing and I want to play even more with this new patch.