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Posts posted by rtek

  1. Come join this great community. The people here are cool to hang out with in DayZ. If you're a new player or a bitter vet lookin for some where to call home, this is the place. The admins here don't put up with bullshit. These servers are for the players to have fun. Anyone tries to ruin it and they wont be around to cause problems.

    If you like getting drunk, relaxing, hanging out with cool gamers and killin zombies, then come check us out.

    If you hop into the no pvp server, feel free to request assistance if you find yourself in trouble. Lots of players here enjoy helping other players out. They do weekly events as well. Those are fun to take part in. The no pvp server now has self blood bagging, smelting, auto-refueling, kickass heli crash loot, and a lot of other cool shit.

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