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Everything posted by fyxamatosys

  1. fyxamatosys

    M203 HE Effective Radius

    Not sure about effective radius but i have shot it before and landed right next to them and they lived, other times I think I miss and kill them I think you just need to be lucky ;P
  2. What are some of the best tips, ideas or learning experiences you have had?
  3. fyxamatosys

    AU BB Whitelisted

    Any players from the AU BB whitelist server? what are your best experiences and most action packed sessions?
  4. fyxamatosys

    AU BB Whitelisted

    Happened to me as well lost my m24 with tonnes of dmr mags :(
  5. fyxamatosys

    Winchester vs Lee-Enfield

    Enfield hands down
  6. fyxamatosys

    7950's Xfire

    Don't know why my topic was moved but i was asking if anyone had any experience with 7950's or their experiences with Xfire with them. Also will there be a gain over a 590