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Hey Sup

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About Hey Sup

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  1. Hey Sup

    I need some real help..

    Thanks to both of you so much, i got it running! it's really confusing though, hopefully i'll learn quick
  2. Hey Sup

    I need some real help..

    I have them both, now what?
  3. Hey Sup

    I need some real help..

    I clicked download off the page here and it did it all for me. How can i play the zombie stimulator now?
  4. Hey Sup

    I need some real help..

    Also; on the dayz commander thing when i double click a server it lets me play something but it isnt the zombie stimulator thing, its some type of team crap, can you please inform me how i can do the zombie stimulator?
  5. Hey Sup

    I need some real help..

    I don't know how to use steam at all, how would i even do that
  6. Okay.. the last thread i made here dissapeared.. i need some real help... I'm new with this whole DayZ thing and i'm pretty upset right now because i just spent $25 on a game that it isn't letting me play. So i was getting this error "Bad serial number given in setup", and i youtubed/searched around for a fix to the problem, and they all said the same thing, so i did what they told me they said delete arma oa out of the files or some crap, and I did that and they said it should work now and it doesn't, now it just says "Could not find path to Arma2 Operation arrowhead (arma20oa.exe). Are you sure you ran the game manually at least once" Do so, and verify your dayzcommander settings and try again." I'm so confused and upset right now because i feel like i just wasted 25 dollars, i have no idea what to do i'm new with this whole dayz/steam thing... please help...
  7. Hey Sup

    Some nooby questions (sorry)

    When i double click the server i want to join i get an error message "Bad Serial number given in setup" what do i do?
  8. I wanted to play the zombie stimulator game, and i bought the thing for 25$, i don't know if i bought the wrong thing or what, and it's finished downloading, what i have on my desktop is Arma 2, Arma 2 operation arrowhead, and arma 2 operation arrowhead beta, what do i do to play the zombie stimulator?
  9. Hey Sup

    Some nooby questions (sorry)

    I honestly have no idea what's going on, i'm clicking play and it just does this Reading to luanch in approximately: (X ammount of time) and the time just keeps going up and up and up i'm so confused right now, if someone could please help.
  10. Hey Sup

    Some nooby questions (sorry)

    I'm really confused right now, After it's downloaded what do i click to play? alot of things popped up on my desktop, arma 2, arma 2 operation arrowhead, and arma 2 arrowhead beta
  11. Hey Sup

    Some nooby questions (sorry)

    Thank you; i just purchased it
  12. Hey, i just got a new computer that could handle games like this a few days ago, and just now got enough money to buy the game, what/where do i download the thing to get started?
  13. Hey Sup

    Hey, i have a few questions

    this? : http://i.imgur.com/hSeYpS3.jpg
  14. Hey Sup

    Hey, i have a few questions

    Heres a pic: http://i.imgur.com/dXRo6nN.jpg
  15. Hey Sup

    Hey, i have a few questions

    I am still unsure if my computer can handle this game, how can i be sure?