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Everything posted by Angelykc

  1. I need help, I've editing my pbo's myself.. done everything tutorials have told me, i did it all step by step and correctly. I upload my pbo and my server is stuck in "Requesting Authentication" ... so i reset back to default pbo's. Other people send me their pbo files they use for their working server.. i upload them... same problem. anybody care to help me on this black magic that hates my server?
  2. then always goes to the "Something went wrong! Disconnect and try again"..
  3. i'm not picky .. if you don't have autorefuel its fine.. i just can't wrap my head around scripting right now.. 8 days in a row of work, 8 hour days :(
  4. Could you possibly email me the pbo file you use and the server pbo.. i want one with autorefuel and ai primarily... if you could help i'd appreciate it so much man.
  5. http://www.mediafire.com/?f1rxv4t2crpk4bx
  6. Angelykc

    Adding AI for No0bs

    Bean King can you email me the premade pbo file?.. i'm having a hard time with scripting it.
  7. Hey, I just bought a DayZ server from Dayz.st and i'm looking to add Auto-refuel and Sarge AI to my server. Is there anyway someone could help me figure out how to work the scripting. I'm new at this and have tried but failed. I'd like to add increased heli crash spawns, animated crashes and possibly towing. so if anyone could help, i'd greatly appreciate it. or if someone has a mission PBO already formatted that can email it to me so i can upload it to my server that would be totally awesome. thanks guys!