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Posts posted by BroWn3R1

  1. In my experience they never seem to spawn in the med boxes out the back or on top of the hospitals. I've only found them in one of the boxes inside after smashing the glass on the front. A lot riskier but it depends how much you need them. I was coughing like a mofo once and had no choice but to head to berezino hospital. Every time ive done a run into berezino hoapital though ive only ever found one box each run, though more often than not i dont find any.

  2. Found my first heli crash today. It was just northwest of Zub Castle in the field between the castle and the road into Vyshnoye. Had an M107 with a few mags and a box which contained 30 STANAG mags and 20 STANAG SD mags. Came under fire as i was looting the M16 mags but still managed to get away with 12 fully loaded mags and legged it into the forest!

    Took about 10 minutes for my heartrate to return to normal lol

  3. I killed my first fellow survivor yesterday.

    I had managed to work my way up to Vybor from starting on the beach near Balota. It was the first time i had managed to get so far north on my own. I was quietly checking the back room of the supermarket in Vybor when i heard footsteps in the shop front. I froze in panic, these werent the shuffling footsteps of a zombie, it was another survivor! Our eyes met and there was a moment of pause. At this point i panicked and shot him in the face with my m1911. In fairness he shot me with his winchester too. We had killed eachother. I couldnt believe it. 6-7 hours of making way north and it ended with a round of buckshot in a deserted supermarket.

    In hindsight i should have made him aware of my presence, i realized afterwards he was playing with a couple of clan mates so i figured they would be staying by his body until he had made his way back to them to collect his gear. I figured i wouldnt be doing the same, i would let them pillage the supplies i had gathered and take my akm. I felt it would count as some what of an apology for my actions.

    So, my apologies to a player named Oashi (i think thats how it was spelt) of the BRZ group. If i see you ingame again i will make sure to make my presence know in good time and hopefully we can let bygones be bygones and maybe team up to scour these dangerous lands for supplies.


  4. Hi all,

    I'm having a bit of trouble and am at a loss as to what to do next. Last night i was playing fine, no problems getting into the server. Now though, i get to the black loading screen, but then it comes up with:

    "You cannot play this game. The server is running an incorrect version of the server side application."

    Has anything changed in the last 24 hours?

    Six Updater isn't finding any updates so i'm a bit stuck now.

    Any suggestions?
