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Jex =TE= (DayZ)

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About Jex =TE= (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Bean King
  1. No to your no! The nights are too dark - ridiculously dark. You should be able to see something AND need to use a torch as well. If you can't see anything in RL - why on earth would you go out in a zombie infested wasteland?
  2. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    It's nearing the closing bell, my friends

    I stopped playing a while back - I'm waiting for the SA to come out then I'm back in refreshed from my break and playing a properly working copy :)
  3. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    CZ550 Estimating Range to Target

    Go into arma editor - airfield. Place soldiers from 100 - 800m - Note how big targets appear next to chevron (print them out) - job done
  4. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    Do Bear traps disappear?

    Pretty sure they do but can't confirm.
  5. 1) More buildings of significance and creepy looking. Like someone said above a Police station, a haunted looking farm, a big church with a creepy graveyard, Ye olde docks with fog - I want to see some custom buildings here and there (have zombies crawl out the grave for instance (yeah i know they're infected..)) and make the current landscape more overgrown. 2) Zombies - I want herds like in walking dead so when I'm walking through the woods I might hear something then look up and I'm like "FUCK!" and I'm shitting it because these zombies need head shots and will grab hold of you and pin you down and eat you alive ripping out ur guts in front of ur eyes. In cities I want them everywhere like a plague, where you have to plan a route around them, where you can't exploit the engine to beat them - you make a mistake - you pay for it (but I don't want it impossible to get around the zeds) 3) Items - I'd like less guns and more items of value. Items that you can do things with to help you survive. If I risk going into a city, I get better items. If I go to little farms, i get shittier items but maybe more of them. In other words make the items the key things that we want. A bamboo stick + fishing line + hook + worm gives me a 30% chance to catch a fish - go into a city and get a proper rod and real, etc I have a 45% chance or whatever. The poncho I'm wearing can double as a tent, the camping cook kit I have can boil water so i don't get infected - the more interesting things we have here the more there is to do and trade over and maybe less to kill over. Make it so we have to make things out of things.
  6. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    Dayz Female!!!

    I'm guessing that too but a little more calmly ;)
  7. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    Random acts of kindness!

    I was taken hostage and flown away in a helicopter. Some firefight broke out....I couldn't really see much. Next thing I know the pilot is dead and we're spinning out of control and we crashed. As I crawled out the wreckage to freedom, I saw man on a hill holding a Makarov.... :P
  8. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    Discussion of the standalone defecation\poo feature

    Having to take a shit in game is disgusting and ridiculous. What are we going to drop our pants and curl one out? I'm thinking this won't be the case but if it is it's just wrong.
  9. They should have mushrooms as well and maybe fruit trees. Hunger should go down based on your physical exertion?
  10. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    Day Z moments

    I closed a gate up on ......shivers........ and then a bunny came by, stopped at the gate, looked up at me and then opened the gate and ran through. Cheeky bastard didn't close it behind him though!
  11. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    Hiding a chopper

    You can't hide a chopper. Due to the way Arma renders things it will stick out like a sore thumb - you're wasting your time unless you go and steal all the other choppers,
  12. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    I'm going to live Dayz

  13. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    I'm going to live Dayz

    When I find mountain dew I'll ask someone to send me it and I will make a shrine.....I wonder if I can run a cable out to the woods and play out there. <_<
  14. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    I'm going to live Dayz

    I'm in the UK just outside London but I want an authentic experience....oh fuck I forgot the mountain dew!
  15. Jex =TE= (DayZ)

    I'm going to live Dayz

    I have a week booked off work coming up. I'm loading up dayz and will be doing nothing but playing days the whole week. This means when I sleep the game will still be playing, when I'm hungry I can only eat what I have in my inventory so I will be stocking up on rabbit, chicken, steak etc. I have most of the cans of food but for the life of me cannot find "Frank N Beans" anywhere! When I ask at the counter I either get weird looks, laughed at or security get called. What am I doing wrong - I need to stuff my face with Frank N Beans or I won't be able to simulate Dayz the way I want to!