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About DarkHyroxXx

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hi, Im Interested in buying DayZ, But After Being Postponed, Im Guessing That Standalone is coming soon this year... Is it worth buying DayZ now for the few months of playability?
  2. DarkHyroxXx

    How Do I Play DayZ After Hacking?

    I PWOMISE!:3
  3. DarkHyroxXx

    How Do I Play DayZ After Hacking?

    Thanks, Real Mature
  4. DarkHyroxXx

    How Do I Play DayZ After Hacking?

    Thanks For The Feedback Guys, And Yeah, I was A Moron to hack, and its a lesson well learned. such a good forum here, thanks guys!
  5. So, I've Hacked DayZ (Cue The Hysterical Pantomime Style "Boo's!") And I Regret That Sincerely, I Would like to know, what do i have to buy/install to be able to play DayZ Again, PS: I Have Downloaded Arma II Combined Ops On Steam