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Posts posted by stevenw129

  1. Unified Apocalypse is a new community starting out trying to offer the best DayZ server experience possible for you guys, the public. We have just started our first server which is a PvP server with the amazing Sarge AI Framework. We are currently in the making of a feature that will make the server a lot more fun.

    This feature involves the complete revamp of the airfields and turning them in to full bases containing a lot of loot. Each airfield will be specific to the AI groups. North West will be the Bandit airfield which will only have ONE entrance unless you fly in by chopper. The place will be crawling with Bandits that just want to kill you, the Airfield will be full of custom buildings and box's containing amazing loot, this would be very similar to Salvation Island on DayZ Origins. The other airfields will be survivors and heroes but the loot will not be as good.

    This server is made as players want it meaning your starting loadout doesn't have much on it and there is literally no scripts on. No autorefuel meaning you will have to get a Jerry can to fill up. We are also ALWAYS open to suggestions and they will be voted on by the players.

    IP -

    Teamspeak - ts.unifiedapocalypse.com

    Website - Unified Apocalypse

    Server Location - New York

    I am currently the only one able to manage the server so please be patient if you have a problem. If you do have a problem I ask you to go onto our forums and post it in the bug reports section.


  2. Unified Apocalypse is a small community that has just been started by me and a few friends. We currently offer a Non-PvP server but we are wanting to expand.


    • Autorefuel
    • Self Bloodbag
    • Street Lights
    • Remove parts from Vehicles
    • Safezones

    What makes our server unique?

    We think our server is unique because it offers a noob friendly experience to new players of DayZ. With it being Non-PvP we allow players to walk around without the threat of being shot, if you get attacked you can report the attacker and they will receive a permanent ban from the server. Our friendly admins are always available to help and guide you around and teach you any basics. We plan on opening a PvP Server so when you think you're ready you can go practice your skills on AI's and of course Players. We also have an extra city built at NWAF offering a lot of loot spawning buildings including 24 barracks spawning military grade weapons, hospitals, general stores and more!

    IP -

    Website - http://unifiedapocalypse.enjin.com/ (Work in Progress)

    Teamspeak -

    Location - France

    We hope to see you on there!

    Owners - Steven

    - Mr.Samiller120

    Admins - DCMetro

    - Lysol


  3. Someone obviously needs to chill... you wanted evidence of owning a server, we provided it there through that "Public" twitter account not set to private at all and plagiarizing our content for your own server. It kinda links in with you advertising in Teamspeak as members of the community said so. We really having nothing be butthurt from really we banned you and you don't like that fact as portrayed with this rage filled response we've got nothing to lose but that makes one less server for you to play on. Yeah people can run server but not advertise in ours server simple as that. Raging out about rather than staying level headed with your response hasn't helped your case at all maybe you should work on improving that being 14 in all some growing up will be needed soon.

    Well that's all I gotta say on this matter so I consider this closed as it should of on our forum, Plus you keeping logging into the site you must miss something.

    Okay I would like evidence of the advertisement within the community please :)

  4. Well you can have my honest opinion also you as a DayZ player on our servers and me one of the "Lazy" Admins on Undead Nation as Im guessing you mean't that collectively. So basically I am deciding to respond so everyone else can see two sides of the coin and decide for themselves whether they would like to play on our server. Now I'll give a summary to explain the lazy establishment of our young server but still the ashes of an old server in which was sadly undermined by the previous owner that took the liberty of stealing all our donations. This left us in a bad state with hardly any money us "The worst admin team" took it upon ourselves to make a new server "Undead Nation". At this point a lot new to us, different provider whilst also managing to grab a last backup from the old server but facing a few problems carrying that backup onto the new server setup instead caused us to delay and actually switched to the old server provider. Now at this point about a week in we got everything ship shape with the backup in and the occasional spike of lag nothing that isn't being fixed currently as we gained more income to upgrade. It seems though some cannot wait that long or make do with what we had though most happily able to cope and on a whole love the community and the effort put in. So we try our best and although some don't see the progress under the table we have made many improvement but some don't seem to appreciate because it wasn't our top priority such as donation luxury's I know you were one user constantly abusive and demanding. Whilst this isn't on the topic you're on about this is just an accumulation of events that im guessing lead you to be reported by the player base and take it out on the admin team. Now on to the topic of the ban this was actually only a Teamspeak ban... in accordance to an attitude shown that wasn't needed. An admin was told by the player base you were recruiting on multiple occasions he came down talked to you and I myself dropped down in to the chat quietly to hear you directing comments at "Creepindeath" whereby I went on to defend him and say "Were only answering to a report from the community no need to direct words like that at us". We then went to our forum whereby evidence was shown also on your twitter it was seen on top of the old server you established with our donation form template and terms still listed on a search now under "Fuzecraft"... At this point it was further investigated you were also looking to make another server confirmed from your twitter.

    I will quote this one which clearly looks like you own one now currently as well:

    "@SurvivalServers How come the Admin Tools for Epoch never shows up for me even though I put my UID in the config" 21st May

    and also this one looking to buy a another server

    "@HFBServers how long will that coupon be available for? I am thinking of purchasing a server in about 3 weeks" 21st May

    If that doesn't prove enough I don't know what does plus if you deny the alias we also know one of the players apart of your admin team play on Undead Nation.I didn't want to link anything here other than quote tweets because its not appropriate for the Undead Nation thread here anyone feel free to pm me here or on our site undeadnation.net if they want to know more or you can search "fuzecraft dayz".

    I leave you now as I've stated what I needed to plus whether the progress to you is slow were still supported and are going a pace suitable for the community which will be increase more with time which haven't quite grasped the concept of leading to your post, plus like I said we only banned you from Teamspeak but you did come on our server earlier and had a go at one of our players for reporting you.

    I would like to say if this is you currently DDOSING us to stop but we'll in time have prevention methods put in.

    I want to leave this with you:

    "People do not mind their faults being spread out before them, but they become impatient if called on to give them up."

    Right my twitter and my servers have absolutely nothing to do with Undead nation as I am not advertising within the current community, you can say all you want but I'm telling you to butt the fuck out of my private matters, If the admins are so butthurt about the fact I want to run my own server then whatever but I can do what I like when I like and they shouldnt have the right to ban me for it, now shut the fuck up complaining about me buying a server when it has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.

  5. Right, heres an honest opinion of "Undead Nation", when I first joined the server I enjoyed it, made a lot of friends and played it on a day to day basis, then after about a month of being there I soon started to see the full side of the admin team and how they are to be quite honest one of the worst admin team I've ever met on a server, I was accused of "trying to steal the player base" when I DON'T own a server I was then banned about 5 minutes after the claim was originally made because I argued my case and Creepindeath simply didn't like the fact I was right and that the claims were false. If I was you I wouldn't recommend joining this server as the admin team are very lazy, they take a long time to get something done and they have not got the server setup correctly so it will function well and not have much FPS lag which it currently has a problem with for me. This is an honest opinion and I will not back down on this opinion.

  6. Surviva lServers is brilliant in my eyes, they have a fantastic support which had no problems helping me, they had a few little glitches because they've only just installed this instant setup module so expect them but overall I love the company and will be using them at the end of my DayZ.st period because to be quite honest DayZ.st are crap, no flexibility at all with servers making it harder to add scripts. Overall though 10/10 for Survival Servers
