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Sinister Squirrel

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About Sinister Squirrel

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hey guys, I've been trying to find a script that allows you to cannibalise vehicles for Taviana, I've failed. All I can find is chen ones, I am new to scripting and don't have much of a grasp on the language I am using, if someone could point me in the right direction that'd be great.
  2. I have a Taviana.com server - I'm in need of players, friendly, ACTIVE admins, near enough lag free server (don't believe me, come see for yourself!) - It's grayed out in the list - BUT - we are alive and running! Pop in. Battle-eye client active and will not tolerate hacking of any kind.
  3. I've recently started a new Taviana server and I've not seen a hacker in there yet.