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airborne52 (DayZ)

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About airborne52 (DayZ)

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  1. PVE Locations 1,No.1 Outpost, Once ago there was CDF main patrol outpost,until "The Aliens" invade Chernarus,there was first destroyed military outpost.At now there was became a CDP survivors gathering place . 2,Lost Company, When the "Crisis" happend,that was the only survive international rescue squad,the squad was dispatched by the U.S. Navy SEALs team 6,ordered to execution international rescue missions,they still keep on duty.They have really serious combat ability and determination,but the Aliens want use telepathic to control their spirits and make them become Aliens minions to wipe out any human beings.Unfortunately,the people have really stronge determination,their spirits conflict the brainwashing ,so make them crazy and schizoid that they killing all who want step in their company,even the Aliens. 3,Lost Base, When NATO all forecs retreat,C.I.A already early cracked the information about RUS.GOV. want dispatch Alpha team to infiltrate CDF Airbase,so they ordered a group of Elite Ranger 75 troopers to stay in the NATO base to contend their attack. 4,Aliens Retreat point, When the Aliens fleets retreat from CDF Airbase,Russion GOV. want search any Super Technologies left behind of Aliens.They was dispatched a Elite Special Forces squad from "Alpha" ordered to excution infiltrate the base to search any useful clues. 5.Wake Island,(NEW PVE LOCATION) A Ghost Team was crashed their plane on the island,we don't have any information about the speical ops troopers,who call them & where they came from. Dynamic Missions There were two kinds of dynamic missions in this mod,such as CDP or Bandit missions,when you complete the missions you will get many weapons and useful gears. Mod Credit List(Really Thanks for your mods great supports) Dead Nation 1.9.3; A3MP Map Pack; CBA_A3; AS50 Weapon Mod; Asdg_Attachments; Asdg_Jointrails; Fhq_Accessories; LHM_Glasses; MAP_EU; U100 Weapon Pack; MAX Police Mod; USSOCOM FPS Improve Mod; MAS NATO RUS Weapon&Char Mod; Alice Backpack; RDS East Static Weapons Pack 1.02; More Player Gaming PICs http://opendayz.net/threads/a3-zombie-mod-apocalypse-ii-0-9-0-pulice-beta-version-preview.18995/
  2. Preface After our beta test and some modification, "Apocalypse II" is now officially published. Since this version is still under test, if you encounter any problems or bug, you are welcome to send feedback on the home page of "Undead Rising".This topice only for international friends to preview,if you follow us mod developing hope you can like this,in the further we will make it in English. Current version: 0.9.0 (public beta) Developer: Col. Based Map:A3MP Chernarus Home page:http://www.dayzapocalypse.com/forum.php Background Story Continued with an extra story after "Apocalypse I" Crisis. You are a criminal sentenced to death in a prison called "No. 13 Deepsea prison". Due to a mistake made by the supplying & supporting department of the prison, a kind of zombie virus was brought to the prison and caused a serious chaos, in which many people have died and became zombies. However, fortunately during the chaos, you took a weapon from a guard and planning to take a safe boat back to the coast. Nevertheless, because of the lack of food and fuel, you passed out during your journey and ended up floating to a different coast, and that is Chemarus. Chemarus has already shifted away from the real world; it has its own system. Now, do you choose to be a refreshed good man, or do you choose to continue being evil? The story is waiting for you to end... Mod Introduction "Apocalypse II" is based on A3 Engine and use some mod files from Dead nation 1.9.3&Aramholice,also we modify A2 Dayz scripts and edited some own scripts working in this mod.Except original gears、weapons from A3 & DN,also we cancle the uniform limit,make players can wear many different uniforms and clothes,include 150 kinds clothes and uniforms,167 kinds caps/hats/masks and so on.The most important we fixed DN own bugs,we created new loottable、lootpos、fixed players fly in the air and some other bugs. This mod support 20 kinds sea/air/land vehicles,also we transplant 80% fuctions from A2 "Apocalypse I" and we created four kinds special PVE locations for players to challenge with groups. Script Functions in "Apocalypse II" Deploy ATV,you can use toolbox and scrap metel deploy a ATV,also you can repack it. A2 Original Code By:layzlink http://www.opendayz.net/threads/tutorial-deployable-bike-1-7-7-1.12353/page-2#post-70535 Build shack house,you can build a shack house use blueprint,also you can put some items in your house and you can create a password lock the door. A3 Original Code By:malakdecaen http://deadnation.eu/forums/ Flip Vehicles,you can flip your vehicles.such as,ATV/offroad/Hatchback. Self Bloodbag,you can trasfucation bloodbag by yourself recover 4000hp,a little percent infected. A2 Original Code By:Krixes http://opendayz.net/threads/krixes-self-bloodbag-script.12288/ First Aid kit,you can use First Aid kit by yourself recover 12000hp,a little percent infected. A2 Original Code By:Krixes http://opendayz.net/threads/krixes-self-bloodbag-script.12288/ MedKit,you can use Medkit give yourself a surgery,full heath. A3 Original Code By:malakdecaen http://deadnation.eu/forums/ R3F TOW&LIFT,you can tow a car or lift a car. A2 Original Code By:R3F TEAM http://opendayz.net/threads/release-preconfigured-r3f-logistics-towing-and-heli-lift.13743/ Suicide Boom,you can use a handgrenade blew your closer targets,also kill yourself. Tents iginet,you can use matches burn tents. A2 Original Code By:Soul http://opendayz.net/threads/release-tent-ignite-dayz1-7-7-1.13304/ Debug monitor,a kind of player debug monitor. A2 Original Code By:Matt L http://opendayz.net/threads/simple-ish-debug-monitor-w-toggling-function-and-animation.12567/ Trade function,you can use cash buy or sell weapons and gears with traders. Rent Vehicles,you can rent airs or lands from vehicle trader. Deploy Static weapon,you can use toolbox and scrap metel deploy a .50 static machine gun wiht only 5 ammo,also you can repack it. A2 Original Code By:layzlink http://www.opendayz.net/threads/tutorial-deployable-bike-1-7-7-1.12353/page-2#post-70535 BTC Fast rope,your can fast rope below 20 meters from a heli. A2 Original Code By:BTC TEAM http://opendayz.net/threads/release-btc-fast-roping.12436/ Body trap,you can use a handgrenade make a trap on dead bodiess.When players near the body will blow. A2 Original Code By:Matt Lhttp://opendayz.net/threads/release-body-traps.13433/ Melee combat,you can use your primy weapons knock down or kill closer targets. A3 Code By:Fient http://www.jonhillenbrand.com Push,you can push some objects and vehicles. A3 Code By:Fient http://www.jonhillenbrand.com CH57 drop cargo,a CH57 drop 3 cargos every 15 min. A2 Original Code By:Gorsy http://opendayz.net/threads/animated-c130-crashes-eventually-dropping-carepackages-at-way-points.12341/ Dynamic Missions. A2 Original Code By:layzlink http://opendayz.net/threads/release-dayzchernarus-mission-system.12169/ EOS AI Function Script. A3 Code By:BangaBob http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153100-Enemy-occupation-system-(eos) VIP Function. If anyone who sponsoring server,the players will get a level of VIP Classes that can spawn exclusive unarmored vehicles every 15 min.also will have per cash bouns. Gut Human Meat Now you can gut human meat,then sell the meat to traders,get some cash Raw:1000$ Cooked:2000$ Upgrade Offroad,you can use M240&Metal upgrade offroad become armored Craft Baseballbutnail; Craft Fishingpole; Craft Clamyor Mine; Delopy Boat,you can use engine and woodpile build a boat. New loot table pos. Per send 2000$ cash every 10 min.(Disabled) Anit player become "Seagull" clean script. New cleanup script improve server perfomance. More buildings and new towns. 150 Vehicles Support BattleEye&Gotcha Anti hack. Server support JSRS 2.1 Sound Pack Already Known Issues 1,Cash will not save when players dead or logout.If respawn recover to 1000$.We will make this could be saved in DB in the further version. 2,If you take new clothes from some dead bodies,pls hide bodies,otherwise will lost your save data from DB in next reboot. 3,Sometime when you bandage yourself will cause stuck on duck,pls use anim buttons can resolved this bug,such as switch weapons or sit down. 4,More than 2 players in a same loot pos,will cause zombies "skating",this an "A3" physical engine problem,if you want resolved the bug,pls relogin or waiting BI to fix the bug.We will try to change new zombie mod to instead issues models at next time.
  3. Hello everyone Welcome to ‘Undead Rising’ Overwatch 0.23 Ultimate Modified Server. What's new in our server: Mod optimization - Built-in code optimization to improve FPS; Based on 1771 DAYZ_CODE optimization, upgrade equipment loot rate of 200%, delete useless items; Zombie X3 much harder to survive; Code optimization - Add more military construction and crash point,weapon loot chance 200%,3X zombies much harder to survive; Add Random Mission System; Add NWAF (AI guards), Kamenka town redesign, stone mountain town, Devil Castle (AI guards), SS gangsta&police firepoint; Add more camps and army bases in wildless. C E B three cities building redesgin, etc.; Add three kinds of forces AI (CDF Defense Force, Cheron PD, Cheron Gangsta) Add a lot of simply vehicles at Southcoast (Auto restore); Add more than 500 vehicles; Add Pistol Sucide; Add CH47 drop cargo; Add CH47 drop armed Hummv; Add vehicle status detection function; Add LHD base; Add intro music; Add lighting system; Add DEBUG mointar; Add Cannibalism; Add FullMoon Night; Server 24/7 Restart every 6 hours; Fixed Selfblood more health point; Fixed Removepart function can not use for some vehicles; Fixed Remove clothes function can not use for some new skins; Add more BE Filter playing much safty; Use Gotcha 1.32 and GCAM keep gaming safty; Removed unnecessary obstacles to improve FPS; Much more info. Pls join our server can be found. US SA001 Anti Hack IP US LA002 Anti Hack IP Asia CN001 (NO CD) IP Surppot E-mail:[email protected]
  4. airborne52 (DayZ)

    [New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test

    Mod Updata: Remove Nanosuit; Remove Crash fire bugs (Improve FPS);
  5. airborne52 (DayZ)

    [New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test

    Mod Updata: Kamenka Redesigned; Piz Mountain Town resigned; Cherno Add more buildings;
  6. airborne52 (DayZ)

    [New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test

    Mod Updata: Add two new towns; Change PVE map buildings;
  7. airborne52 (DayZ)

    [New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test

    Mod Updata: Remove Batmobile;(Seat Bug) Remove Sgt.Suit;(Model damage point bug) Remove C130&An2 Scripts(Impove FPS) Add New Towns; Add New Cities; Impove Items Spwan chance;
  8. airborne52 (DayZ)

    [New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test

    Obviously, this is an entertainment server.
  9. airborne52 (DayZ)

    [New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test

    You are right we already have a list,nobody like a foolish forget that,chinese understood what are courtesy and propriety.all makers and delvoplers on our devlop credited list,but sth.i need say,all mods and scipts on amraholic were pulice for use and edit,before i said more people download the files,that makes the stuff much more useful,so everyone will remember you.if like someone said must need permission that anybody who wanna use your stuff?too many limit no way to use.so you should be know what is means.and at usual,did you pretty sure all world millions of servers creidted all makers?i can sure 10 servers excerpt 6~7 servers not creited makers.so you said that before,it was the basic polite,if people conscious,or not.so we knew the polite.when we finished the fully version,we would be send the list on topic.but someone said Do you even have permission to use these? so i don't want talking about these disscution anymore,you should be understand what's I means.
  10. airborne52 (DayZ)

    [New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test

    Did you even credit the mod makers,just use some mods and scripts on your server? And did these mods and scripts use to every like your servers need to credited whole your screen? Did you know all makers and devloper make these things just wanna more players have fun and editors need learn more, then the mods and scripts will become much more useful. if everyone like you just said"you need credited?otherwise no way to use"then anyone who wanna use your stuff? did you know sth. just well aware that's enough? My English is terrible. so Chinese not your first language,right? I just wanna use Chinese say that,’尼塔瑪的是個二B‘.
  11. airborne52 (DayZ)

    [New DayZ Mod]rMod2.1FX Beta server welcome to test

    what is the permission?Amraholic all mods for every players and ediors free for use to creat or edit own mission files and mod files. i never hear that "Do you even have permission to use these?"need these words,did you read the topic carefully,i already wrate that just 'integrate' the files. i think you really ask a stupied question.