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Posts posted by Darkesttimes

  1. Hello there i saw this server and i have couple of questions,

    How are vehicles on this server?

    My friends and me like the survive aspect of the game ( gathering food, drinking, making sure we dont get sicks etc) now we kinda build up a good "camp" but we have searched many servers for transportation and we sound a multiple problems on diff servers:

    1, no cars AT ALL we prob nearly scanned each city,village without even seeing a bike

    2. we found a car! but we cant eat nor drink on certain servers without getting disconnected

    3. found a good server but way too crowded(wich doesnt need to be a bad thing but having 1 person camping a place the whole day just pisses me off)

    so i am wondering how are things here? can we eat food and drink without getting disconnected?

    we barely go to big cities (just so now and then to get blood and other supplies)

    we would just love some to have transportation seeing that we often have to travel to newbies place to pick up newly friends xD
