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Everything posted by mrgrimm

  1. mrgrimm

    good servers for new players?

    www.zombiebattalion.net We will help you out with all your needs and set you up with your own protected base on the map with a well, tents , fire , and a VS3 vehicle with 200 slot storage.
  2. We currently have a 50 player DAYZ running Chernarus with multiple mods. We have tow/lift scripts. Bandit AI Bases. 24/7 Daytime, Refuel, Chopper Crash sites,Bridge to Skalisty Island etc. All of this also comes with free clan/player bases.Location of your choice and 3 different levels available. Mature Admins monitoring server all the time. We also provide website with forums and your own Teamspeak Channel. Check out www.zombiebattalion.net for more info.
  3. www.zombiebattalion.net
  4. mrgrimm

    Needing a Bandit group!

  5. mrgrimm

    new group for private hive

  6. mrgrimm

    Looking for someone to play with

  7. mrgrimm

    Looking for a group or clan

  8. mrgrimm

    Anyone wanna start a clan?!?

  9. 50 person server Rmod 2.1 ( Download here : http://offgaming.us/rmod/download ) Night / Daytime Spawn with full loadout w/nvg's Tons of Vehicles Friendly / Bandit AI Bridge to Skaliski Island Cherno / Elecktro street / city lights Custom Loot Spawns Friendly Admins Teamspeak server @ http://youtu.be/dZ6RGwgfjR0
  10. Zombie Battalion is a clan that started back in the quake 2 days. We competed heavily in UT99 and moved on to cod and Battlefield series but most members have moved on to other things. We are a small clan currently looking for new members to join us in playing games like DAYZ and WARZ. We currently have a 50 person rmod 2.1 DAYZ server, Teamspeak 3 server, great website with forums thats just a cool place to hang out. We like to have a good time and dont get extremely serious or competitive with games. Its more about meeting new people and having a good time.If this sounds like something you would like stop by our site and send me ( MrGrimm ) a pm. Or hit us up on teamspeak. Site is www.zombiebattalion.net Here is a quick vid of our DAYZ server http://youtu.be/dZ6RGwgfjR0