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Everything posted by joswann

  1. hes a god awful shot so it makes sense. he probably cant kill anyone else that is armed with more than a sidearm :lol:
  2. usually when i see a bandit, hes not alone. one bandit skin= i might believe he got the skin in self defense. two bandit skins together=KoS i try to leave them be but if i have a clear shot ill take it
  3. ive always been a bit anxious when it comes to dayz...from my first time getting a lee enfield and being so excited i had to log out till now. dying always sucks but gearing up is half the fun of this game
  4. joswann


    or make mountain bikes B)
  5. everything! this changed gaming for me entirely, ill list my favorites because one thing is too hard -finding a fresh tent/finding someone elses tent -having my pulse skyrocket after hearing shots nearby/hearing a chopper/car closing in -coming across a fresh heli crash -cruising around with a well-geared group i still get heart-thumping adrenaline rushes every single time i play this game, whether its on a hardcore vanilla server or a 1000+ vehicle server. i cant wait for SA! B)
  6. the "animations" sections are a complete fucking joke. whoever made the poll needs to stop playing origins
  7. same here....every good private server i find either gets over-run by hackers or dissapears out of nowhere. i lost 4+ tents and a ton of gear last month due to my home server going under in favor of origins >:( been looking for a solid one ever since
  8. joswann

    Need a server you can hall home?

    as a matter of fact, i do B)
  9. joswann

    My first kill long ago.

    "disided" , nice
  10. joswann

    Best gun for player hunting

    G36A Camo. i love the dual scope and the fact that it takes STANAG rounds, the semi/full/burst options are nice as well....650m+ kills are definitely possible with the easy to use ranging on the scope
  11. joswann

    What Event Turned You Into A Bandit?

    me, my cousin and a buddy of ours picked up a clan(5-6 players) from the cherno hospitcal and gave them a ride north. we got to a refueling station where we all saluted for a screen shot. shortly after, one of the clan members opened fire and killed our friend. the clan claimed it was some random that jumped in the chopper after he climbed the stairs.after a massive firefight, they looted our bodies but again, claimed they were friendly and it was all a misunderstanding. we later found out the 'random' was an admin on the server and it was all a set-up. we ended up getting our chopper back but that was the end of being friendly. now, if youre not in my skype/TS chat, youre an open target. no more being nice!
  12. joswann

    The best Dayz tip you have ever heard

    keep your head on a swivel. ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings