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Everything posted by Beads

  1. So I don't play DayZ for 6 months (fav game of all time) and come back expecting some changes.... where tf are the zombies? are cars functioning as advertised? A predatory animals in? speaking of...where tf are the animals? Why are my frames more shit than before? Anything I missed? Someone please fill me in, because right now this looks pretty pathetic..
  2. Beads

    Somebody get me up to speed plz...

    Hey man I love DayZ as much as the next guy and have been a fan for years but no need to get salty if my opinion doesn't align with yours. My computer runs GTA V, Fallout 4, MGS V all on max/ultra so no performance is not the issue here. The optimization is poor and it bums me out to see that it has stagnated in terms of improvement. I hope they can nail it one day, DayZ is too unique and none of the copy games quite do it for me.
  3. Beads

    Somebody get me up to speed plz...

    Appreciate the feedback, its rough cuz I love DayZ but marginal improvement after all this time is disappointing. I feel like we are on the same track here.
  4. Beads

    Mayhem in Dayz!!!!

    What server is this?!
  5. Beads

    All New DayZ Breaking Point!

    Can anybody find dogs on there?