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pEar (DayZ)

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Everything posted by pEar (DayZ)

  1. pEar (DayZ)

    Little Assault Rifle survey

    1) Most accurate rifle (generally, both short/mid ranges): M14 2) Highest Rate of Fire: M4A3 CCO 3) Range (but still effective at that distance): M14 4) Ammo rarity (most common): AK-74 5) CQB performance (especially indoors): M4A3 CCO 6) Mid range performance (up to 400m is considered mid here): M16 ACOG 7) Sights/Optics: M14 8) Power (=a gun that maintains a decent power level at all ranges, and is generally powerful): M14
  2. pEar (DayZ)

    Build Rolling Update

    Good shit, well done Razor and team.
  3. pEar (DayZ)

    Asking people if they are friendly?

    Well, my personal standing on this is that I am usually extremly cautious and I don't usually team up with randoms unless they've shown to me that they're trust worthy. I am friendly, but if you threaten me in any way then you're a dead man. As for example, I don't shoot newly spawned, I rather help them out on their way. If I see a person that is armed, I usually check if the person is a threat to me in any way. I usually see people first, not the other way around, and if I need anything I simply hold them up at gun point saying like "Hey buddy. Don't freak out now, I'm not going to shoot you unless you do something stupid so please put your weapon on the ground so that we can talk." Believe it or not, but on private hive's people actually listens to what you say. I only shoot if I'm bloodthirsty (A) or if I need something badly (As for instance food or medical supplies as I'm playing on Namalsk atm). Obviously also shoot if people are stupid and turn towards me, or being shot at.
  4. pEar (DayZ)

    Dead on login

    Are you playing on the same server all the time, or are you switching between servers?
  5. pEar (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] How to steal a vehicle

    Haha, that's funny. Well done.
  6. Definately the MK48. Perfect scope on it, ammo easily found (200 rounds for 1 slot), 8k blood EACH hit, rounds per minute is insane, and generally scary to be up against.
  7. pEar (DayZ)

    Friendly duckheads

    Haha, this reminds me what happend yesterday to me and my friend on namalsk. We were headed towards the old hospital, pretty fully geared ( L85, GPS, rangefinder and ofc satchel charges) we met this lone survivor that had just spawned. I will not hide the fact that my friend is a dick, so he orderee the guy to stop and then proceeded to shoot him in the leg so he broke it. I felt sorry for this guy and I told my friend to just keep going and leave the poor guy alone Obviously this wasnt the case so the best I could do was to bandage him, so I did and then I moved a little bit away so I could scout forwards. Suddenly my friend yells "Oh shit satchel!!" via ts and I turn around just in time to see my friend that was at the time just fucking with the guy, launch up in the air. "Donney was killed" "Randomguy was killed" Karma is a bitch. Edit: I survived, my dick friend didnt. Written on phone, ignore spelling
  8. pEar (DayZ)

    Does this look good for runing DayZ?

    Ye, there's no reason as to why you wouldnt run/install windows on the SSD. Just make sure you install games and such on your HDD, and not the SSD (You might have enough room for DayZ on the SSD, but its up to you).
  9. pEar (DayZ)

    Does this look good for runing DayZ?

    Alright so: The 32GB RAM you have is pretty much useless. There's no need to have that much RAM, no matter the game - 16GB is more than enough. I would recommend investing in an alright CPU cooler ( Corsair H70 or H100 even ) and simply use an i5 and then overclock it ( for example I have an i5-3500K and ive oc'd it to @4.5GHz without any problems. The graphics card is good, you will have a stable FPSon 60 ( Unless youre running a 120Hz screen) and it will most likely drop to around 50 in big cities. My only recommendations would be to havr 16GB RAM, buy a proper CPU cooler and then overclock, and maybe if you're not happy with the setup you can always upgrade by buying a second 7970 and running them in crossfire. Best of luck. EDIT: FPS does depend a lot on the server you're on so it will unfortunately sometimes drop below 50 even, to around 35-45. This is however not your comps fault, but the server. Suggest finding a decent server that has auto restarts atleast each 12th hour.
  10. pEar (DayZ)

    Identify the Location

    114 077 for grid coordinates. Head north-east for about 10 minutes and you'll hit berezino (You can just follow the road going east from your location and you'll get there (East would be looking left from where you're looking at the SS )
  11. pEar (DayZ)

    Best map besides chernarus?

    I've been playing Namalsk for a while and if you find the regular chernarus boring and want something else then this is the map for you. It sorts of turns the dayz experience upsidedown. Lingor is fun as well, v environment and so is panthera.
  12. pEar (DayZ)

    Life Expectancy.

    I have the only solution. I have turned into becoming a hero, no more killing survivors. With all those survivors left alone and all those survivors helped out, there's no wonder it's gone up by a whole minute. I would expect it to go up about 5 minutes, but you can't have everything in the world, eh?
  13. pEar (DayZ)

    chopper problem

    FLY IT!
  14. pEar (DayZ)

    To buy or not to buy

    From a personal perspective, I find DayZ a LOT more fun than WarZ. Like Good Guy Alex replied above me, it is sort of the difference between games such as Call of Duty and.. Let's say... Arma 2? There has been a lot of complaints as well on WarZ, obviously this mod has its issues as well, but I believe DayZ is the better choice out of these two. - pEar
  15. Hi all. So I've been wondering - what new features are there on Namalsk? As far as I am aware, there are some few new features such as the railgun and the winterclothing. What can I find otherwise on the map? And also, how much damage does the railgun do and where can I find it? Waiting for some good replies. - pEar
  16. pEar (DayZ)

    Namalsk - what new features are there?

    Haha, you did actually notice :P
  17. pEar (DayZ)

    An other FPS post :)

    Turn down visability. You won't need to see 2400m unless you're a 1337 snip0r warri0r. I reckon a good distance would be 1200m.
  18. pEar (DayZ)

    FPS issues in major cities

    It's not all about the CPU. With everything being loaded (Graphics wise), VRAM plays a big role here. With the limitations of 1GB VRAM on your graphis card, it will come down to your graphic card as well, not only CPU. Running SLI will not combine both VRAMs on the graphics cards, so in theory I was running on 1GB VRAM all the time with my GTX 560's, but now that I've upgraded to one with 2GB VRAM, it runs a lot smoother.
  19. pEar (DayZ)

    Namalsk Railgun - godmode or bug?

    ^ You were hitting the tree instead of the bandit. Thank you Arma 2 engine. Not godmode (MOST LIKELY)
  20. pEar (DayZ)

    FPS issues in major cities

    I was running with 2x GTX 560 Ti's, and I would still experience lag in cities. Unfortunately cities will suck up your framerate and the only solution is lowering settings or buying a new graphics card(s). If you're running on 60 FPS stable outside cities, you can expect a drop of 25-35 FPS or so in the big cities. Arma 2 is not optimized well enough to do anything about it really.
  21. pEar (DayZ)

    I Can't Keep Playing Like This

    I used to be a bandit, not the sniper on the hills sort, but more of a stalk people to their camp and then fuck them up. I have changed though. I find it a lot more fun to just actually trust people, obviously being a little bit cautious, but just the last two days I've ended up getting to know people, going to a teamspeak and just talk - having a good time. It's a lot more fun honestly.
  22. pEar (DayZ)

    Have I done wrong?

    If he had the bandit balaclava, then you're fine. It was most likely a bandit laying there to ambush you and steal your beans, so you did the right thing.
  23. pEar (DayZ)

    How to use full backpack and inventory

    For a more secure way, use drop the inventory object into a loot pile that is already there, or else you will risk loosing the item you've dropped on the ground. This is especially important with weapons (So if you need to drop a weapon on the ground, you can drop for example a magazine first, and then drop the weapon in there).