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About qfan

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. qfan


    Was the same for me. I had enough food to last a few days and regularly ate and drank. The only thing I did was run for near on half hour to get north, but my own body can run at the very least 1 hour without coming anywhere near unconsciousness. Maybe sync up how fit a person is in real life to their character and I'll stick around playing :)
  2. qfan


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-pF7nd4UTI&feature=youtu.be May help, devs and players.
  3. I personally thought they fixed it, at least for my taste. Nothing wrong with supporting additional modding. It's what made early engines and games thrive.
  4. qfan


    Definitely a game breaker. Going back to vanilla until it's sorted out. Off topic: I also think cans should be majority ring pull. Most can manufacturers use this system these days. Cans requiring openers (at least where I live) are rare.
  5. qfan


    Hello there, Ever been knocked out in real life? There's no respawn button :)
  6. Humans can' date=' yet they choose not to. Hmm, interesting. Perhaps you are nibbling a bit at the psychological cookie rocket has baked for you? Come on. Common sense says that? Really? Common sense prescribes eventualities for being stranded in the Russian wilderness an indefinite amount of time after the end of the world? Common sense makes no allowance for the fact that you've watched your entire family torn asunder, eaten, or worse had to shoot them in their beautiful faces after they turned and tried to eat you like a rare steak? Going to bed every night with the image of your wife's torn, bloody face in your mind, and waking up every morning to pat the wet earth beside you hoping to find her there? To kiss her again? Just once more... Common sense hangs on, after that? After hearing your children cry out for you as they are pulled out of sight into a mass of swarming, hungry zombies, their cries of "Daddy, help!" echoing in your ear to this day? You hang on to common sense after that? You don't, maybe, wrap your sweaty finger around the trigger and punish the world for all it has done to you? You don't perhaps seed the earth with the blood of the remaining souls to silence the pain inside your head? You don't put your gun in someone else's mouth because your only alternative would be to put it in your own? Oh, horseshit. Ridiculous stinky horseshit. You have the choice. You made it. You shoot folk. Accept it. Choice made. Holy shit, dude. Come on. I'm trying to keep this at least a little bit serious and you're getting silly for no reason. Your main paragraph just supports my reasoning because you're specifically mentioning the zombie threat, not the entirely unrealistic human threat as it exists in Dayz at the moment i.e. 90% pk in my experience so far, in I guess, close to 8 weeks of play. That rare 10% was in the first week when I was willing to team up with other new guys, who got equally slaughtered along with me at the time. It's people playing from the safety behind their monitors. You really think some players are thinking of the "backstory" to their characters when they cap people from the rooftops in Elektro? They are not remotely playing like some of the things you mentioned actually happened, which to me significantly reduces immersion. Persistent pk clearly reduces tension, at least for me, as it has completely redefined my play style meaning I don't care about dying or killing anymore in the game. A game often sets the rules, not the player. So far it's a great effort though and I applaud it as far as it has gone. Though it has a lot more potential if balance can be brought to the table between the various play styles. The threat still needs to be there. The pvp still needs to be there, without a doubt.
  7. Or the fact that that's what the virus is supposed to do to them. They cannot be any different. Whereas common sense says human survivors do not kill and kill and kill in a situation like this. It doesn't fit the universe. I think that's the objection most have against the way pvp is played. I play pvp now myself, but if I had a choice I wouldn't. I'd be out there helping the new guys because it's rewarding when you can encourage those that have no idea of the world they're in. You simply cannot do this anymore beyond 30 minutes of play max these days. You still need the risk of pvp, just not in the abundance it's in now. Having endless mindless killers (player controlled) *reduces tension* as you have no other choice but to shoot on sight. There's no more question of whether you should trust them. [edit] people often claim bringing balance here would be forcing a certain play style, but at the moment it is already forcing a play style without intending to do so. Pvp will always be king in this game until there is balance between the 2 styles - pvp vs pve.
  8. People would be less likely to kill each other. The world is overrun by supernaturally re-animated dead bodies and in this lonely, frightening world most people would not become cold blooded murderers by grabbing a sniper rifle and capping anyone they see for the laugh of it. Haven't played latest patch yet, so maybe this will change in time with some of the humanity changes? I think very few want pvp to be removed though, even those that have issues with the way it is balanced at the moment. As for adapting and evolving, I have. I now kill on sight as it's the only way to be sure to deal with any potential backstabbers. Shame though. I played a pretty good team game when I first started.
  9. qfan

    I found a Radio

    Yep. But boy has it got potential, if the devs agreed with that direction that is.