So yeah, with a little knowledge its quite easy to make a weapon out of raw materials. We have axes, so we should be able to cut trees for wood. Adding pickaxes in residential areas as a method to mine out specific places for rocks and other minerals (Also as a BADASS weapon) would be good too. Now we have the basics for a handmade weapon, but what about the ammo? Well, depends on the type of weapon (For example, a handmade DB shotgun should use 12 gauge shells) Also finding materials such as tubes. List of handmade weapons: (Of course nothing overpowered as a 7.62mm homemade automatic recoiless rifle, nor a simple AR) Short weapons: -Hand cannon: A one-shot homemade gun made out of a tube cut with a hacksaw and some wood. Shoots .45 bullets and must require 15 seconds of reload. Also a dinner bell. -Homemade revovler: A single action revolver that fires .357 rounds. Not much of a dinner bell, but it is loud. Reload time must be like 10 seconds. Pretty much top tier short weapon. Made with melted metal and wood. Medium weapons: -Boomstick: A one-shot shotgun that is identical to the hand cannon, but larger and firing shotgun shells. National dinner bell. Made with wood and a normal tube. -DB Shotgun: A shotgun that fires 2 shells before reloading. RING RING RING! DINNER BELL! Wood and 2 tubes. Long weapons: -Homemade rifle: A one-shot long range rifle that fires 7.62 mm bullets. LOOOOOONG reload time. United Nation's Internacional Dinner Bell Prototype. Made with 2 tubes and wood. -Bolt action rifle: Pretty much a homemade Mosin Nagant with longer reload time, less accuracy and less power. Uses 5.56mm rounds and is a National dinner bell. Made with one tube, one half tube and wood. Of course, none can be fit with attachments (Except for the long weapons, which can be fit with long range scopes) Also to craft you must find and read the 3 gunsmith books: Begginer's guide to gunsmithing (Rare, for short weps), Advance gunsmithing (Super rare, medium weps) and How to be an expert gunsmith (ULTRA rare, for long weps)