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Posts posted by tacosh3ll

  1. IGN: tacosh3ll


    Maps you played on: mostly Origins

    Type of Games you play: Arma II, DayZ, Arma III, and I have Minecraft but dont play too often.

    Combat Ranking: 8

    Why you want to join:
    Cause i usually just play on here with my cousin and girlfriend but it gets boring with only 3 people (and they suck :D) but also i want to make a camp with some people and also really wanna make a new stronghold or atleast see one.

  2. Name:Heath (or just TacoSh3ll)


    Country:United States

    What role you want: Sniper or Support


    Do you have TS?:Yes

    Former experience with Dayz/Origins:i have quite a bit of experiance but only with small things like going to small towns and finding like a double barrel or something, but also allot of experience with regular DayZ.

    Any Former Clan(s)?:Nope, never been in one but would really like to be.
